Hi all, and thank for helping. I will try some combinations later. It is not a LC2, but a homemade controller I have buildt many Years ago.
I has been working OK with Beolink 1000 and Beo 4, but I have to use the command. Link Light 9 and then 1 for lamp1 2 for lamp 2 etc.
With Beo4 I use same commands, and it works OK. With Beo5 I have tried severals combinations, but my Radio (Overture 3000) switch on at the same time. fx. if I use LINK LIGHT 9 2, the radio switch on channel 2, or if TV (BV7-40) is ON, it switch to channel 2.
But nevermind. I will go to my office and use my "old" Beomaster 9500, and there use Beo5, it works OK, and so it will be until later.
By the way: Is it possibel to add a Zone in one already working Beo5 ? I have tried, but the zone will not be shown.
Thank and have a nice day.