The 5000 compared to the 5500 is primitive, particularly with respect to the new MCP and the complete readout on the MCP of FM station, and other parameters.
I only use the most basic functions, never schedule anything. I have a Beocord 5500 that does a pretty good job of recording a good classical CD, but still does not sufficient dynamic range. My speakers at KOSS 1030A Thiel bandpas speakers which produce full room shattering volume at about 4.2
The amplifiers in both receivers are very well matched to these speakers and produce amazing sound with so little power. There are a number of organ pieces, that are absolutely astound, for equipment that is not over 25 years old.
Beomaster 5500, Beocord 5500, Beogram CD 5500, Koss-1030A Thiel Tuned Port speakers