tournedos:But, take a look at the rear of the Beomaster. It has obviously been built to allow ventilation of something hot in the rear and below, instead of just covering a cold table.
I just did a little experiment... as unscientific as possible!
While perusing here, my system has been running in the background for 1.5 hours at Vol = 1.25
The Master (on top) is completely cool (read ambient + a tick or two) to the touch. The bottom plate is perhaps "cold."
The top of the Lab (on bottom) is also cool (as above). I feel no "HOT" venting whatsoever.
The only "HOTSPOT" would be the left hand plate of the Lab. It is warm to the touch.
So, I would agree, unless giving it a long term, higher volume workout -place them however you wish!
Guess I need to throw a party and retest to confirm! All in the name of science, of course!