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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-22-2009 6:04 AM by justinlinnane. 2 replies.
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  • 08-21-2009 3:06 PM

    beogram 5005 with beomaster 8000 and MMC1

    Hi all. 

    Does anyone know if the datalink feature is preserved when I plug the 5005 into the beomaster 8000.  All the  manuals say both are datalink compatible but i'm not sure the 8000 phono connector is the right size? also looking for a beolab teminal to control the beomaster.


    As a footnote i aquired the 5005 today for a pittance and low and behold it was carrying a MMC1 in really great condition!! Is this going to be overkill on this deck?


    Many thanks in advance 



  • 08-22-2009 3:22 AM In reply to

    Re: beogram 5005 with beomaster 8000 and MMC1

    It should work perfectly. The MMC1 is a good cartridge - B&O cartridges are probably better quality than a number of the decks - if not all! - but the 5500 will not damage it and you will get benefits from using it, so my answer would be not overkill!

  • 08-22-2009 6:04 AM In reply to

    Re: beogram 5005 with beomaster 8000 and MMC1

    thanks Peter. will give it a go . I have compared the MMC5 I had on my beocenter 7700 with the MMC1 and  the jump in sound quality is very  


    obvious even very old vinyl sounds better. 



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