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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-26-2009 6:08 PM by Dillen. 3 replies.
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  • 08-13-2009 2:49 PM

    • jogerr
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    beomaster 1400, FM is fine, AM/LW/SW no sound

    recently i bought a 40-year old beomaster 1400K. FM gives a fine stereo sound, a cassette-player connected to the tape-entry works also. But AM/LW/SW nothing at all. replaced a leaking capacitor , but no result. anyone with suggestions?
     the capacitor was 3000 uf 50Vdc, could not find a replacement exactly the same ,  now it is 2900 uf 40Vdc. also tried a 4100 uf 50Vdc but no effect. what's more important the uf or the voltage?


  • 08-13-2009 4:32 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: beomaster 1400, FM is fine, AM/LW/SW no sound

    Welcome to Beoworld !   Yes -  thumbs up

    Both are important.
    The uF to get the correct capacity and the voltage to achieve correct filtering and to insure nothing
    explodes due to overload.
    4100uF - that's not a standard value and never were. Probably misread 4700uF - is it a
    new component or one taken from another set ?

    Don't get me wrong, but mounting a 40V filter capacitor instead of a 50V leads me to think that
    your Beomaster would be better off going to a trained tech guy. It's far too easy to destroy
    rather than repair.
    I'm sure it's not a costly repair.

    If you feel confident about repairing this yourself, I will be happy to guide you,
    these will be the first steps to take;
    - Mount a suitable filter capacitor. 3300uF 50V should be fine. Alternatively 4700uF/50V.
    - Do you have a suitable AM antenna or are you using the internal ?
    - Contacts clean and dry ?
    - Do the signal strength meter do anything as the dial is travelled ?
    - Do you have static or hiss or nothing at all ?
    - Power supply voltages correct and ripple-free ?
    - Power reaching IF and AM frontend circuits ?
    - Is the AGC line reacting ?
    - Local oscillator running ?
    - DC voltages on IF transistors correct ?


  • 08-26-2009 5:16 PM In reply to

    • jogerr
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    Re: beomaster 1400, FM is fine, AM/LW/SW no sound


    thanks for your help with all the instructions, that made me think and test.

    I found out that touching the mainboard at centain spots helped, so  there had to be  a bad  contact or connection.

    It took some time till I found it: the long pin used as a spring to take care of the release or return of the buttons on the front panel, had moved so far to the left that it was now touching  a pin on the mainboard.  pushing it back was the solution.

    now i can receive transmissions on AM/SW/LW.

    although the radio is now operating on 40V capacitor,  i will try to get me a 50V one to be sure.

    and, it was not a mistake, the other capacitor was as a matter of fact  4100 uF 50V (but too large to put in the beomaster)



  • 08-26-2009 6:08 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: beomaster 1400, FM is fine, AM/LW/SW no sound

    Great job, one to note !  Yes -  thumbs up


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