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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-07-2009 5:28 PM by Peter. 2 replies.
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  • 06-07-2009 3:30 PM

    Beosound5 help needed after mistake by dealer

    I have a 7-40 with surround sound connected to a Bs9000 in living room which is then

    connected to a Bv4-37 with center speaker in the kitchen.

    Now the dealer sold me the beosound 5 which was fitted in the kitchen, which works fine if i use the remote but as soon as i touch the controls on the beosound5 it overides whats on in the living room, which kills the idea of the kids being able to watch the tv in there while we listen to music in the kitchen.

    Now according to B&O only way around it is to connect speakers to the beomaster5 which isnt going to happen.

    Now is there anyway cut a powerlink cable and then put a 4k7 resistor across the speaker wires (think green and brown) to create a load and thus kidding the beomaster 5 into thinking it has speakers connected which would get the system working as i want??

    Sorry if this is long winded but i like the system and the installers went to a lot of hassle to do a good install that i want to try and stick with it.

    If anyone has any ideas please reply


  • 06-07-2009 5:10 PM In reply to

    • stefan
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: Beosound5 help needed after mistake by dealer

    I don`t think a resistor can solve the problem. And I don`t think that it i`s just a speaker connection problem. Your BS5 is set to no audiomaster. It is masterlinked to audio- and videomaster in the mainroom. When you control your BS5 in the kitchen via remote the Beolink system "knows" that it will be controled  from a linkroom. When you control the BS5 directly it will be controled via USB, and for the Beolink system it is like controling it in the main room. A solution would be to set the BS5 as audiomaster to A.OPT 5 as local source in the kitchen. But BS5 is not (yet) able to handle A.OPT 5, only 0-1-2. Option 5 - 6 will be added in an update (?). But as a local source you cannot use the BS5 in the living room.

    Another solution can be the kitchen as the main room and the living room as link room in V.OPT 6 (BV7-40). But in this setup you cannot use the video sources of the BV7-40 (DTV - DVD....)

    Next solution: Install BS5 in the living room and control it via remote in the kitchen. If you want a local audio source in the kitchen, get a BS4 or a BS3000.


  • 06-07-2009 5:28 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 help needed after mistake by dealer

    Fascinating! You should run your configuration through the Product Configuration Guide and see what it comes up with. It does sound as if the BS5 has to be a master - can you use the BS9000 as option 6 - the problem will be lack of radio though.

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