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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-07-2009 12:33 PM by Stan. 6 replies.
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  • 05-05-2009 12:25 PM

    • Stan
    • Top 150 Contributor
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    3rd party assignment to hard keys?

    I'm having trouble assigning 3rd party buttons to hard keys.

    In the Configuration Tool (v2.2), I drag a button from the touch screen to the hard key.  When I go into "view", it shows the correct IR code.  However, when I try to load it into the Beo5, I get a "Serialization Error" something like this:

    ERROR: [573] "ZONES\FAMILYROOM\SOURCE\DVR\OK1" hardKey  hardkey with  row=2  col=1  top=45  left=213  height=25  width=213

    The XML for the 3rd party device was created using Keith's Beo5 3rd Party XML generator, and all of the soft keys work correctly.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance,


  • 05-05-2009 2:31 PM In reply to

    Re: 3rd party assignment to hard keys?

    Was just Doing the same and assigning some 3rdparty keys to 'Hard Keys'   i get asswell those Errors but i still can serrialize without problems , and plus the hardkeys works correctly even if those error occur during the process.... 

    Can u Serrialize with those errors?  if yes then u have no problem ^^

    Regards John

  • 05-06-2009 6:25 AM In reply to

    Re: 3rd party assignment to hard keys?


    I will raise two points in response to your posting.

    1. If you get "Serialisation Errors" then they must be resolved. It may appear that everything is working correctly, but there will be something wrong somewhere. Serialisation errors are most common where you have deleted something, I always recommend you don't delete any Icon or command, just hide it.
    2. Unless the hardkeys are assigned within the draged XML file, then to assign a code to a hardkey, right click on the hard key and click "Properties", then click IR and add from the 3rd party tab

    Regards Keith....

  • 05-06-2009 6:29 AM In reply to

    Re: 3rd party assignment to hard keys?

    Below is an example picture of assigning IR codes available on the screen to a hardkey


    Regards Keith....

  • 05-06-2009 6:03 PM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: 3rd party assignment to hard keys?

    When I try to add IR codes as you describe (right click, select properties) while navigating within my 3rd party device page, the IR tab is empty, and the 3rd Party IR tab does not even select (stays grey when I click on it). 

    An example of an XML entity that it complains about look like this:

    <hardKey stName="zones\FamilyRoom\source\DVR\Yellow1" stCaption="PAGE_UP" stMenuCaption="PAGE_UP" stScreenType="0" stIR="RAW:GlobalManual=1#ListOfFlanks=$2370,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$79D2,$2370,$08EF,$01F3,$15970#IRSEQUENCE=RAW#Carrier=38000#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Comment=RAW FlankList: 40 flanks" stLeave="REL 1" stIRVideoOp1="F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp2="F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp4="L_F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp5="F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp6="F0:TV:" stIRAudioOp1="F0:RADIO:" stIRAudioOp2="F0:TV:" stIRAudioOp4="L_F0:TV:" stIRAudioOp5="F0:RADIO:" stIRAudioOp6="F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp5Link="L_F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp6Link="L_F0:TV:" stIRAudioOp5Link="L_F0:RADIO:" stIRAudioOp6Link="L_F0:TV:" stIRVideoOp2Av="F0:RADIO:" stIRVideoOp4Av="L_F0:RADIO:" stIRVideoOp6Av="F0:RADIO:" stIRVideoOp6AvLink="L_F0:RADIO:" stChannelDelay="" nHidden="0" stIRLong="" nX="426" nY="70" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="3" nColumnFinal="2" nPage="1" stTextColor="255:255:128" nNoCalculateIR="1" />

    I found that the error goes away if I make it look like this:

    <hardKey stName="zones\FamilyRoom\source\DVR\Yellow1" stCaption="PAGE_UP" stMenuCaption="PAGE_UP" stScreenType="0" stIR="RAW:GlobalManual=1#ListOfFlanks=$2370,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$11C5,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$08EF,$01F3,$79D2,$2370,$08EF,$01F3,$15970#IRSEQUENCE=RAW#Carrier=38000#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Comment=RAW FlankList: 40 flanks" stLeave="REL 1" nNoCalculateIR="1" />

    I also found that if I don't change the XML, it still works (thanks to Sandrikors tip above).

    The serializer also complains if I assign the same action to the same hardkey under different pages.   For example, I have 2 pages of channel logos.  I want the hardkeys to operate the same way under each page.  I didn't bother to figure out the offending XML in this case because it works even with the errors.


  • 05-07-2009 11:10 AM In reply to

    Re: 3rd party assignment to hard keys?


    The part you took out of the XML relates to option settings and is only needed if related to a Beovision product, if it is seen as an "Accessory" then these values should not be in the file and so this may have been an error.

    Regards Keith....

  • 05-07-2009 12:33 PM In reply to

    • Stan
    • Top 150 Contributor
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    Re: 3rd party assignment to hard keys?

    I did add the 3rd party product as an accessory.  I also noticed that all of this Beovision specific stuff is found in the XML file generated by the 3rd party XML generator.  I was going to try removing it from the 3rd party XML file, but since it seems to be working (and I'm mostly done with my programming), I'm less motivated to do this.


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