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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-01-2009 12:58 PM by Keith Saunders. 1 replies.
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  • 05-01-2009 9:31 AM


    I have a couple of things that are confusing me:

    I currently have configation tool 1.2, am I unable to control 3rd party products directly using this version.


    If I can find a copy of 1.32 will this allow me to cotrol my Humax HD without an IR cable.


    If I can find a copy of 1.32 will this upgrade the firmware of my Beo5 at the same time.


    Having moved house a trip to a dealer now involves a ferry, and a long car drive. I am trying to avoid this at all costs.

    BV 7-40 MkIII, Avant RF, BL 5's & 4000's, BS 9000, and Beo4+5. Waiting for BS 5
  • 05-01-2009 12:58 PM In reply to

    Re: Confusion

    You have raised a few points and the following are the answers:-

    QUESTION -- "I currently have configation tool 1.2, am I unable to control 3rd party products directly using this version."

    ANSWER -- You will need a later version of the Beo5 Configuration Tool to allow 3rd Party products to work correctly.

    QUESTION -- "If I can find a copy of 1.32 will this allow me to control my Humax HD without an IR cable"

    ANSWER -- YES, provided you have made an XML file for the Humax HD or someone has provided it to you.

    QUESTION -- "If I can find a copy of 1.32 will this upgrade the firmware of my Beo5 at the same time."

    ANSWER -- YES, but you would need to get version 2.2

    For further information I suggest you review the Beo5 web pages HERE

    Regards Keith....

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