Whilst the codes you have found are valid Pronto codes, most found on the web are "Learn't codes
If you have a learn't code, then the first word of the code string will always be "0000" if the signal is modulated and "0100" if unmodulated
If it is non zero, then it is a defined protocol or a proprietary defined by a vendor like Western Digital
Defined protocols include:-
0000 Learned code format (modulated)
0100 Learned code format (unmodulated)
5000 RC5 code format
5001 RC5x code format
6000 RC6 code format
6001 RC5 mode A code format
Code "900A" is new to me, so we can assume at this stage it is a Proprietary defined code, but can still be decoded, but will take a little longer.
What seems surprising is it uses two different carrier frequencies which is unlikely, but not impossible.
I will decode it cover the next couple of days and get back to you.