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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-09-2009 9:30 AM by Larm. 4 replies.
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  • 01-05-2009 10:51 AM

    • Larm
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    Beosound/master5 vs mediacenter in general (MCE)

    Hi there. I'm one of the appearently many who has preordered the BS5 (including of course the BM5).

     I'm naturally pretty excited to what I've actually getting. I have seen a few demo's (a.m.o the lauch :-)) I've tried hands on. In that sense I'm not so much in doubt of what I'm actually getting. I'm getting a music player (, and that's it regarding the BS5 

    The big question is, how far B&O wants to take the possibilities in the BM5.

    I'm a major user of a Mediacenter (a dedicated Acer, which is basically a pc, configured for living room use). It's connected to my BV7 and some speakers (B&O of course). The mediacenter is my radio (fm, net,) my harddisk recorder (analog though), it handles my dig-pictures and of course its my musicplayer. All in all. Functions that you could expect would be implemented in BM5 also.

    The BM5 allready handles (I'm told) dig-pictures (interface via the tv of course).

    So the only thing missing (to my knowledge) is the harddisc recording facility.

    It would seem natural to launch that, at the same time B&O releases a DVB-C tuner for their televisions. (Today my Dig-TV is provided via a set top box)

    The epg combined with recording facilities would give serious value for our money. (Remember B&O is not cheap :-) So I think its fair to expect that it at least has a minumum of functionality.

    I think it was B&O themselves who introduced the term "Seamless integration". How does that fit with STB's and external HDR. It doensn't. 

    I have earlier asked B&O directly, whether they - in the near future would come up, with a DVB-C tuner. Cause in that case, I wouldnt hesitate in buying their 8-26 (for the bedroom). The reply was, I'm sorry to say, not very optimistic. At least not what I wanted to hear, so I had to buy another tv, which do support DVB-C (mpeg4).

    I can't help wondering how much market is lost by not telling the world what is to come. This time B&O is out very early, introducing the BS5 (and BM5). Months before they can actually deliver the product. Thats clever. But why stop there. Let us know, how much we can expect in the future. If they take full advantage of the possibilities, I'm sure that even more people will consider one more time, buying a B&O product. Assured that we actually buy, the most exclusive product of all.


    Yours sincerely

    Lars Mortensen

  • 01-05-2009 2:17 PM In reply to

    • Beofan2
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    Re: Beosound/master5 vs mediacenter in general (MCE)

    Hi Lars

    Like you I´ve ordered a BS5 and looking forward to pick it up! I also like the idea of HDR, a one box solution so to speak. Like always Beo hesitates to give any precise information about new products. But in an article with Peter Petersen, he reveals that they´re planning to launch something simular to BS5 but as a video product. I don´t know about any possebility to upgrade BM5, but it would be nice!

    I´m surpriced about the answer you were given about DVB-C to BV8. I´ve been told it will be possible.

    It´s not magic - it´s Bang & Olufsen

  • 01-06-2009 1:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound/master5 vs mediacenter in general (MCE)

    I am actually a big fan of the STB PUC concept. I retain the single remote, I can hide the boxes. Giving that they are having a hard time to keep the TVs current I'd say keep pouring your resources into other areas. They can't do it all.


    I think if they start telling you what would come, it would upset people if it is delayed or does not materialize at all. I mean the BS5 was like what, 1.5 years late? Sometimes I think the product that was mentioned all the time back then is not even the BS5 we see today. Remember the business week interview, where the designer said he envisioned you would operate your digital media with the device in one hand, and a glas of wine in the other?

    BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

  • 01-09-2009 9:13 AM In reply to

    • Larm
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    Re: Beosound/master5 vs mediacenter in general (MCE)

    Hi again.

    The main reason for mentioning the possibility of implementering HDR functions in the BM5 in the first place is that,  it is it allready possible. Or should I say - it ought to be. Using a standard Mediacenter like I do, provided with at tuner card, it works. Recordings are ordered simply by pointing desired programs/show out via the EPG. Smooth and simple. A one box solution - by now.

    I've later learnt about dvb-c tuners, that there will be released dvc-tuners for also the 7-32. But they will only be able to show dig-programs in SD quality. Perhaps better than nothing at all. Lets see. It will depend on how much functionality will be added to the digital interface.

    As I bought another brand for "second" tv I don't know the acutal status for 8-xx, but it seems a dead end, if they do not release a dvb-c modul for these tv's also.

    You mention an article with Peter Petersen (B&O exec ??) regarding a "video-product" . I surely hope they will launch it as a software solution only based on BM5 and interface via television.


    PS I have a simular post in B&Oworld scandinavia forum - in danish - off course :-)

  • 01-09-2009 9:30 AM In reply to

    • Larm
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    Re: Beosound/master5 vs mediacenter in general (MCE)

    Hi jk1002.

    I agree with you about the STB PUC concept. However it is on B&O's premisses. I have several times experienced, that some (to me) important functions are not implemented. So therefor I use a device from In this device can program ir-codes myself.

    Anyhow. I also agree with on the fact that if  they reveal what to come, might make people wait for "the next big thing". Which will be bad for current cashflow. But I don't think its the case in this particular situation. By launching the BS5 concept we allready know the "next big thing". By letting us know where and how far they plan to take this, might stimulate the urge to own this device, instead of making us all anxious, whether we spent our money in a dead alley. The issue is - Considering the price for B&O equipment, you can easily afford to make a few mistakes by buy other brand products.



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