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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-24-2008 8:21 AM by Bulgarien. 0 replies.
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  • 11-24-2008 8:21 AM

    • Bulgarien
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
    • Denmark, Vest Sjaeland
    • Posts 201
    • Bronze Member

    New SONGBIRD mediaplayer from Mozila is a killer!

    I'm the glad owner of B&O  two MP3 players called BeoSound 2 and BeoSound 6, and I've recently get a hardisk from a friend with 68.000 songs! The problem is the media player on the computer.

    Have can I manage all that music on a easy and userfriendly way?

    I have for some day now tried these; 

    BeoPlayer,- that really was a joke. Don`t waste your time on it. Its to simple and its very slow

    Itunes,-  that was made for making money, and only for Ipod owners. Dont waste your time on it...

    WinAmp that work perfect, but are a little  complicated to use. You will  like it when you figure out, how it works..


    Now the FireFox people ( from Mozilla) have just realised   a new media player called SongBird

    I will download it now , but I can already see/read that this properly will bee a media player that will be the best choice for many of us.

    Many people are already using  the great browser Firefox,  (they will never change browser again), and if the  philosophy are the same, this  little songbird is a killing  eagle !

    Do you also like the simple design, then I can tell that all Mozilla products works at the same way. 

     Get SongBird from here

    New Features

    A New LookA New Look
    We’ve completely redesigned Songbird to make it simpler and more intuitive. We’ve improved drag-and-drop throughout the application and worked to optimize music management vs. web browsing experiences.

    Smart PlaylistsSmart Playlists
    Create dynamic playlists that automatically update based on criteria you set.

    Concert TicketsConcert Tickets
    Discover upcoming shows in your area based on the artists in your library. Event listings powered by Songkick. Scrobbling
    Integrated support that allows you to scrobble, love, and ban your tracks.

    Album ArtworkAlbum Artwork
    Display the currently playing track’s album art and write new artwork back to the file.

    Note: If you are upgrading from an older version of Songbird, be sure to get the Concerts and add-ons so you can enjoy all the new features we’re talking about!

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