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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-30-2008 9:42 AM by TEL. 5 replies.
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  • 11-13-2008 6:35 AM

    Beomedia (still playing catch up) Can I use this at all with older non 'N-Music' products

    Hi BeoPeeps,

    I have a lovely BeoSystem 7000 networked around the house with MCL, some of our newer TVs have a Beolink converter in place and short ML connections.  I was hoping to do something similar with the Beomedia BUT I am worried about tales of N-Music....

    We are dragging ourselves into the 20th century and have music, videos and piccies on the laptop which I would like to view on any of the TVs in the house and what with Net Radio perhaps even listen to the Archers when and where we want. Typically the cost prohibits me enjoying new from the shops as my "wish list" always exceeds available budget, and perhaps now with the Beosound 5 on the streets there might be a few Beomedias about in the future, who knows affordable even for the likes of me (cue violins).  I was kinda hoping I could 'Link' the output from Beomedia from the Master TV much like I do with Video...

    Having downloaded the Beomedia setup guides from Beoorld (thanks chaps - great service) I see that the connections don't look too difficult, but my old (and dear friend of a) Beomaster 7000 of course won't recognise N-Music or N-Radio when I press the button on my Beo4.  There is the AV button but that allows me to plumb the TV sound through the speakers or the radio through the TV if I am watching footy from far off places on foriegn satellite.

    Is there anything I can do? The 7000 system is going nowhere, if I can't do the beomedia thing, as lovely as it sounds, we'll stay in the 19th Century.  I would like to explore the idea though.  If not perhaps I ought to break into my B&O store and smash all Beomedias up in a Luddite style....

    Big apologies if this has aready been asked and put to bed on Beoworld, honestly I have looked through the Forum and couldn't see anything or help - might have been a 'boys' look though...

    Thanks in anticipation


  • 11-13-2008 7:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomedia (still playing catch up) Can I use this at all with older non 'N-Music' products

    What is your Video Master TV?

    Beomedia and Beosound5 are not good for videos.

    ...we are in the 21st century by the way, since Jan 2001... before that it was the 20th!

  • 11-13-2008 8:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomedia (still playing catch up) Can I use this at all with older non 'N-Music' products

    Thanks for replying, Phil

    My Video Master  is an LX6000, though I have two MX4000s in differing bedrooms which are more 'modern' and are ML worthy. As you can see from the vintage I still count myself in the 19th Century, "Fanny by Gaslight" etc.  I got the impression that the age was immaterial, I thought it was the understanding of the 'Net-Music' concept by the Audio Master was my stumbling block, Ill be pleased to be corrected!

    My CRT TV has given me several years of sterling service and don't really want to throw it away as it will be worth pennies to sell and to be honest the picture is at least 10x better than I see on some 'cheaper' flat screen jobbies you see in the High Street retailers.  To be honest some of them in Curries etc. are that bad they do the non-CRT market some injustice.  I must be a Beosnob because I won't go near them and if I am going to have one I want the best. Very short sighted I know as many of the old B&O TVs were built around Thompson chassis etc.  And what's worse these won't plug into the Beolinked solution I have at the moment. So stubbornly I am in a differnt time zone to other Beoworlders, but happy to be onthe same Beoplanet.  - Now an HD ready BV7 complete with Beolab 7, that's a different story and on the wishlist of course and currently a little (lets say) outside my budget at the moment.

    Hmmm not too fussed about video, but wouldn't mind sharing my "hot air balloon safari" photos with bored visitors.  Then again with TV being streamed regulaly over t'internet with BBC-i Player etc. it would be a shame if a new toy like Beosound 5 cant cope with it.  I might get my hands on one by 2015, fingers crossed and I'll find out first hand.  Beomedia first, perhaps.....


  • 11-13-2008 9:16 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomedia (still playing catch up) Can I use this at all with older non 'N-Music' products

    What I am going to say needs verification as I do not own this equipment.

    To play N.MUSIC or N.RADIO, you need to have a compatible audio master (BS3000,9000,4,BC2...) or no Audio master at all. All TV can compatible, in main or link rooms. Older TV think it is A.TAPE 2 and PHONO.

    To serve the N.MUSIC, there are 3 solutions: Beoport, Beomedia 1 and Beomaster 5.

    Now... Beomedia 1 and Beomaster 5 are also seen as a Video device, that can be connected to the TV and controlled with the Beo 4 with on screen menus.

    Usually you access it by pressing PC, on modern TV. But older TV do not recognise the PC key, so you can name it differently, like V.AUX.

    in that mode you can access the same N.MUSIC and N.RADIO, Web and Photos.

    The BM5 does not seem to have a scart, so I still do not know how it is controlled by the TV.

  • 11-13-2008 4:23 PM In reply to

    • Spiros
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    Re: Beomedia (still playing catch up) Can I use this at all with older non 'N-Music' products

    Hi there.

    My guess is that Beosound5 should be controlled over masterlink. Concerning TV out I think it is already mentioned on the specs but didn't check it thoroughly!

    Best regards


  • 11-30-2008 9:42 AM In reply to

    • TEL
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    Re: Beomedia (still playing catch up) Can I use this at all with older non 'N-Music' products

    Is Beomedia 1 still available from dealers ?

    I see it's still on B&O website but had an idea it had been dis-continued 


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