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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-03-2008 4:56 AM by tournedos. 3 replies.
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  • 11-02-2008 10:49 PM

    • Mot
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    Speakers in Beomaster 900K


    Listening to my iPod through my 900K recently, I've noticed that the left speaker is distorting on any songs with a higher level of bass. If I wanted to replace the drivers in the 900K does anyone know of any suitable speakers to replace them with? It's not super critical as when I bought the 900K it came with a pair of Type B speakers which are excellent but I'd like to have the internal speakers sounding good if possible. Any ideas would be welcome.


  • 11-03-2008 2:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Speakers in Beomaster 900K

    Hello, and welcome to Beoworld! Yes -  thumbs up

    I'm afraid matching the original speakers with modern replacements will be tricky, so you should do them both. Mechanically and electrically, most 4x6 inch 4 ohm speakers should fit with a little work, but I can't say how the result would sound...

    The 900K is a classic though, and sounds pretty sweet when in good order. Therefore I'd start looking for an original replacement. Broken 900K's usually move for little money on eBay - probably way less than two good quality new speakers - and I'd expect someone over here will have a spare speaker or two lying around as well!


  • 11-03-2008 4:13 AM In reply to

    • Mot
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    Re: Speakers in Beomaster 900K

    Thanks Tournedos - thankfully I've never had any problems with my other kit, a Beomaster 3000, to warrant posting on here.

     I had a feeling that I'd be best off to replace both speakers at the same time with identical drivers in order to match the sound. Will a 4 Ohm speaker work okay in the 900K? I noticed when I opened up the speaker chamber that the originals are 3.2 Ohm units. As much as I would love to replace them with originals from another 900 there's not exactly a huge market of B&O gear here in Australia.

    Maybe I'll have to have a wander and see what 4x6 speakers are around.

  • 11-03-2008 4:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Speakers in Beomaster 900K

    The originals are indeed 3.2 ohms, but 4 ohms will work fine - if you connect external speakers, they will be connected to the amp just as directly as the internal speakers.

    4x6 drivers are most commonly found in automobile speakers, although sourcing such full-range drivers may be a little hard. Junked TV sets are another possible source. If all else fails, you could fabricate mounting plates from veneer or something, and use round 4 inch drivers. I've seen these in full range coaxial format, and I believe such speakers would far surpass the originals in sound quality anyway, if the enclosure volume is about right.

    But don't throw the original drivers away!


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