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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-09-2008 5:38 PM by Peter. 1 replies.
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  • 10-09-2008 5:25 PM

    • Peemac
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 10-09-2008
    • Posts 3
    • Bronze Member

    Beer [B] A big ask? Record vinyl from a Beosystem 6000 to a new Imac...

    I have had a vintage chic Beosystem 6000 (type 2252) with Beovox S80.2 speakers for about 5 years - lovely mellow sound, and I would like to record some of my old favourite vinyl to my brand new Apple Imac 2.66GHz core2 duo with OS X 10.5.4 software...

    Do I have to connect the whole system or just the Beogram 6000 (it has a DIN plug) ? 

    Is it too much to ask of these two generations of technology to exchange of sounds - ie record vinyl to digital files and maybe play the mac through the B&O? Can the old dog cope with a new bone? 

    Another Q, is how can I improve the FM reception, I have the standard co-axial plastic coated wire aerial, any suggested improvements? 

    Any other suggestions gratefully received.

    Best wishes y'all from Edinburgh.


  • 10-09-2008 5:38 PM In reply to

    Re: A big ask? Record vinyl from a Beosystem 6000 to a new Imac...

    Will work fine but you need to connect the iMac to the Tape 2 Rec of the Beomaster. You will need some software - I use Toast 9.

    Best way to improve FM reception is to use an external aerial. A dedicated FM aerial is best but an output from a TV aerial will work better than the internal aerial in all probability. 

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