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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-15-2008 11:57 AM by isaacj. 6 replies.
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  • 09-13-2008 8:25 PM

    • isaacj
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    Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND


     Long time B/O owner first time beoworld user.  I recently purchased a Beogram 5005 and just plugged it into my Beosound 2300.  I pushed the AUX button and the sound is non-existant at 40 where I usually put it for radio or CD.  I have to go to 60 just to barely hear it.  Any suggestions?

     Thanks a TON!  I LOVE THIS SITE!!!

  • 09-13-2008 8:53 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND

    Hi isaacj and welcome to beoworld,

                                                        your problem is that the Beogram 5005 doesn't have a RIAA phono preamp fitted and neither does the Beosound 2300 so you need to fit one between both units. The good news is that you hear some sound which suggests that the cartridge on your Beogram is good order and is the most expensive part to replaceSmile. You can pick up a RIAA preamp from any decent electronics retailer but you may need a couple of phono/Din adaptor cables as most preamps have phono connections and your Beogram will have a 7 pin DIN outlet. Most adaptors are 5 pin DIN but pins 1&7 on your Beogram 5005  simply unscrew to allow this - these pins are for the datalink remote control and won't affect the sound but don't lose them as it is almost impossible to find replacements and you will need them if you ever decide to sell the Beogram at a later date. If this sounds a little confusing then Lee at LifeStyleAV in the UK can supply a good quality ready to use phono preamp KIT for exactly this application.

    Another option would be to buy a beogram with RIAA already built in but these turntables tend to be very expensive but would plug & play directly via the AUX input. The models which have this are Beograms 6000 (quad) / 3500 / 4500 / 6500 & 7000 the latter 3 being the best cosmetic match to your Beosound although they ALL share the same basic chassis as your 5005 so an external preamp would probably be the cheapest if not the most elegant solution. Don't worry about losing the remote control facility by doing this as the AUX input of the Beosound 2300 doesn't facilitate this in any case.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-13-2008 11:18 PM In reply to

    • isaacj
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    Re: Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND

    Very helpful Chris.  You really helped me.  Thanks.
  • 09-14-2008 9:59 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND

    No problem, happy to help.

    When you do get this system up and running please bear in mind that the sound output from your turntable will be a little lower than other functions such as radio/cd. This is perfectly normal with these models of turntable and isn't a fault.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-14-2008 4:04 PM In reply to

    • isaacj
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    Re: Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND


     Would a B&O amp like this one on ebay work?  I would like to keep my system entirely B&O.

  • 09-15-2008 3:16 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND

    Afraid not for your application. This is a seperate amp/converter which connects to the output of your Beosound to enable you to connect extra speakers to your system & allows you to play music in another room via your Beosound. These are also quite large & heavy items and much more obtrusive than what you really need for your system.

    For your application you need a RIAA (phono) pre-amp (which B&O built into their equipment) and are no longer available so the only option you realistically have is a non-B&O item. I wouldn't set too much stall by looking for a B&O item as they are not particularly special.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-15-2008 11:57 AM In reply to

    • isaacj
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    Re: Beogram 5005 to Beosound 2300 VERY LOW SOUND

    Again, thanks for you help.
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