I have a problem with my Beo5 configuration, a strange problem I have never had.
I have bought a projector (Panasonic PT-AX200E) and I want to create a button to control differents functions: down the projector screen(LC2+rele), switch off (slowly) the light (syncronicity with the screen), and select V.Aux of my BV3-32 (only sound).
For this, I created the follow secuence: Cinema Button (with submenú: TV, DVD(BC2), V.Mem(Hdr2), V.Aux (PS3) and Camcorder )
0:000:Light:Step_DW (x50)
0:000:Radio: Aux_V
This secuence worked fine, but when I entered in the submenu the hard buttons controlled the light.
So, I tried to add:
0:000: Light:Step_DW (x50) (down the screen and turn off the light in the same time)
Delay 300ms
0:000:Radio:Aux_VSome problems were solved, but I had others. The TV channels (logo) control the light, and the hard button of Beo5 (into submenu V.Mem) control de light, too. But the Beo5 configuration Tool show the corrects commands!
For exemple:
For TV channels of V.Tuner show:
But this active the light!
I have had to insert this:
Delay 300ms
because I needed change from TV to DVD (or another devides) and the BV3 sent the image out to the projector. For this reason I added 0:000:TV:Aux_V before.
I'm very worried. Anyone can help me?