Looking to upgrade my system to include a Beomaster 7000 system. Currently I have a Beosound 2500 connected to an AV7000 surround system which is connected to a pair of Pentas and 6000 speakers. Everything works fine except of course I have to use a Beolink 1000 to control system as apposed to my beolink 5000. I would like to replace the Beosound 2500 system with a Beomaster 7000, Beogram CD 7000 and a Beocord 7000. Can anyone advise if I would be able to still connect through the AV 7000 surround system. I am using a non B&O DVD player and a non B&O TV. Would the Beolink 1000 be able to control all functions on the 7000 system. Can a Beo4 controller be used with an AV 7000 surround processor? Any help would be appreciated.