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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-22-2008 7:05 AM by moxxey. 2 replies.
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  • 02-22-2008 5:13 AM

    • TS4
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    BV7-40 MKIII blu ray problems


    I use a Playstation 3 as blu ray player for my BV7-40 MKIII. They are connected via HDMI. Some of the blu ray discs - although they have no regional code - show no picture (black screen), but only sound (e.g. blu rays of Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, ...)!! I tried a different HDMI 1.3 cable, but still have the same problem.

    What´s the problem? Do I need a new firmware? Is it a problem with HDCP? What can I do??

    Thanks for help

  • 02-22-2008 6:59 AM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKIII blu ray problems

    Have you tried pushing the source button again on the beo4/beo5 after the disc starts? Blu-ray and HD DVD players are notorious for their long start-up times, resulting in the video sync with the Beosystem being lost. Pushing the source button (e.g., V.AUX, etc.) again will force a re-sync with the video.
  • 02-22-2008 7:05 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
    • Top 25 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-14-2007
    • South West, UK
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    Re: BV7-40 MKIII blu ray problems



    I use a Playstation 3 as blu ray player for my BV7-40 MKIII. They are connected via HDMI. Some of the blu ray discs - although they have no regional code - show no picture (black screen), but only sound (e.g. blu rays of Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, ...)!! I tried a different HDMI 1.3 cable, but still have the same problem.

    What´s the problem? Do I need a new firmware? Is it a problem with HDCP? What can I do??

    I've never experienced that....but it could be a HDCP issue as you say. I notice with the latest sw that the BV7-40 MKIII takes a lot longer to show a picture after pressing the remote. Sometimes this can be around 10-15 seconds. Very occassionally it doesn't show at all (no video nor sound) and I have to press DTV then go back to V.MEM to let it re-handshake. This rarely happens though.

    Perhaps you need the software upgrading? Seen the white flash issues we've been discussing on the forum?

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