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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 04-29-2007 1:57 AM by soundproof. 22 replies.
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  • 04-27-2007 9:01 AM

    Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    It seems clear that we're expecting an updated BV7, with 1080p - and some sort of Beosystem3.

    What about the outdated DVD?

    Will we see a recordable DVD added? What about HD DVD?

    Presumably lack of HDMI sockets will be sorted when it gets a Beosystem added.

     Not sure what is actually known (do we know anything until launch?) and what is speculation.

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  • 04-27-2007 9:43 AM In reply to

    • FSv2
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    Well all of the above would be really nice, but since mine is only 2 weeks old, I wouldn't like to see a new version for about another 6 to 8 months Wink



  • 04-27-2007 10:07 AM In reply to

    • Hamburg
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    I agree, I just ordered mine and will arrive in about 2 weeks Party!!!
  • 04-27-2007 11:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    I can tell you that the new BeoVision 7's are scheduled to arrive in the delears in August. The revised models will have a reasonably up to date (but probably not the latest since they are already in production) 1080p Samsung LCD panel with a BeoSystem 3 chasis. The system will have 3 HDMI ports. Otherwise, the TV is the same. There will not be an updated DVD player, which I think is a shame as I would have liked to see a dual Blueray/HD-DVD player with this key revision. That's as much as I personally know about this TV. I have been looking into this since December and I am currently waiting for this revision before purchasing a B&O TV. Having said that, it will have to perform remarkably better than the current 7-40 model to meet my expectations. Watch this space ... we will see.


    "We can rebuild him. We have the technology." 7-40, 7-2, 9000, BS3, BC2, LC2, BC6000, Beo5
  • 04-27-2007 11:18 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise


    Well all of the above would be really nice, but since mine is only 2 weeks old, I wouldn't like to see a new version for about another 6 to 8 months Wink

    TVs are dangerous territory to purchase nowadays as technology is moving so fast - which is impacting resale/trade-in values. I have a BV3/v8000/DVD1/motor stand which essentially has no trade-in value, against the near £6000 outlay.

    Unlike speakers - I just traded in lab8000/6000s for lab9s & 3s and got great trade-ins - much safer investment.

    The question is when is the right time to get on the flat-screen road-show, certainly the beosystem3 upgrade giving hdmi will go a lot further to future-proof, but I would still prefer to wait for an HD DVD upgrade too - which doesn't need to be far away. Why have an HD TV with an SD DVD?? 

  • 04-27-2007 11:20 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise


    It seems clear that we're expecting an updated BV7, with 1080p - and some sort of Beosystem3.

    What about the outdated DVD?

    Will we see a recordable DVD added? What about HD DVD?

    Presumably lack of HDMI sockets will be sorted when it gets a Beosystem added.

     Not sure what is actually known (do we know anything until launch?) and what is speculation.

    Interested in this forum's knowledgeGeeked


    I understand what you mean, but the DVD is not outdated. A transition is happening to HD-DVD and BluRay, but it will take time, and you'll find that upscaled DVDs are actually able to give the high-def formats a good run still (so there's no reason to throw out your DVDs yet).

    Check out Denon's upscaling DVD player, for instance. Amazing quality. I'd rather have that in the BV7 than something that bulks up the TV to fit in a fully capable new format player (have you seen their size?)


    HDMI yes - and I would like it to fully utilize the output signal of both sound and image from its embedded player. It doesn't do that today -- likewise it should recognize all digital sound formats, but I think that's a given with the embedded BeoSystem 3, if that happens. 

  • 04-27-2007 11:28 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    I agree, I just ordered mine and will arrive in about 2 weeks Party!!!

    We've been discussing the new BV7 for months on this board. It's due in the States first (any time now) and in Europe around July/August. The 40¨ model will have a mini-BS3 incorporated, 1080p screen and HDMI input. No upgraded DVD player though, from what I've been told.

  • 04-27-2007 11:48 AM In reply to

    • Doc
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    What about the 32" ? No beosystem 3 integrated?!

    Greetz, Marcel 


  • 04-27-2007 11:48 AM In reply to

    • FSv2
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    TVs are dangerous territory to purchase nowadays as technology is moving so fast - which is impacting resale/trade-in values. I have a BV3/v8000/DVD1/motor stand which essentially has no trade-in value, against the near £6000 outlay.

    Unlike speakers - I just traded in lab8000/6000s for lab9s & 3s and got great trade-ins - much safer investment.

    The question is when is the right time to get on the flat-screen road-show, certainly the beosystem3 upgrade giving hdmi will go a lot further to future-proof, but I would still prefer to wait for an HD DVD upgrade too - which doesn't need to be far away. Why have an HD TV with an SD DVD?? 

    I've been putting of for ages not buying the BV7, following various threads (on the old forum). I decided to myself to wait to the US launch (for all the added bits), but it kept getting put back & back. I was getting more and more annoyed, so one day I just said "bugger this", and bought it...bit rash I know

    I came to the conclusion, if I kept waiting, I'll want something better, then I'll wait longer... catch 22

    Well hopefully the dealer will be kind to me on a trade in/upgrade on a 3/4 month old telly...


  • 04-27-2007 12:06 PM In reply to

    • Tom
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    The Beonic Man:

    I can tell you that the new BeoVision 7's are scheduled to arrive in the delears in August. The revised models will have a reasonably up to date (but probably not the latest since they are already in production) 1080p Samsung LCD panel with a BeoSystem 3 chasis. The system will have 3 HDMI ports. Otherwise, the TV is the same. There will not be an updated DVD player, which I think is a shame as I would have liked to see a dual Blueray/HD-DVD player with this key revision. That's as much as I personally know about this TV. I have been looking into this since December and I am currently waiting for this revision before purchasing a B&O TV. Having said that, it will have to perform remarkably better than the current 7-40 model to meet my expectations. Watch this space ... we will see.


    Great news! Does this only count for the 40" version or for the 32" version as well?

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 04-27-2007 12:25 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise


    Great news! Does this only count for the 40" version or for the 32" version as well?

    So far, info is only for the 40¨ version. From what I've been told, the 32¨ will keep the 768 screen, although there is no word on any BS3 integration for this model, either. 

  • 04-27-2007 1:38 PM In reply to

    • Alex
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    The BeoVision 7 still has a modified Avant chassis, and the BeoVision 6s had a BeoVision 1 update. However, with the update to the BeoCENTER 6, the internals were basically completely re-designed. The BeoCenter 6 now uses an entirely high-definition digital processor, similar to the difference between a BeoSystem 1/2 and a BeoSystem 3.

    The new BeoVision 7s will have a completely new chassis, almost certainly based around the BeoSystem 3. There would be no need to update the DVD mechanism if a BeoSystem 3 variation is used. The upscaling in the BS3 with a standard def DVD player will wipe the floor with anything else out there.

    I know nothing else though.

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  • 04-27-2007 2:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    I would really like the see a HD/BD drive update but as always it is probably software that is holding it back. These new super multi drives from LG look very promising but I shoudl think B&O will not be happy till the software decoding is perfect.

    This is the same reason that the DVB modules have been delayed. Last minute bug testing.

  • 04-27-2007 2:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    The upscaling in the BS3 with a standard def DVD player will wipe the floor with anything else out there.


    It is correct that it is a good scaler, but the same kind of videoprocessing has already been done with other brands.

    Like the Denon 2930 (I own one), 3930. They already have several years of experience with high quality scalers.

    I've had the oppertunity to compare in a Beoliving the Denon (which can upscale to 1080P) and the DVD1 which was upscaled by the BS3.

    The DVD (LOTR) were shown on both the 50" and the Samsung projector.

    But there was no doubt about the question which performed better. The Denon had far more detail and the colours where also more natural.

    But that is my opnion after the experience.

  • 04-27-2007 7:28 PM In reply to

    • Tom
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    after all i have read, one thing is sure. i will not buy a new beovison until b&o has jumpted on the blue ray/ hd-dvd train!

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 04-28-2007 1:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise


    after all i have read, one thing is sure. i will not buy a new beovison until b&o has jumpted on the blue ray/ hd-dvd train!

    Which means you'll have to wait until one of those trains slams off the tracks. At present, both parties are claiming they are in the lead with their formats, but both are also far off their sales targets as consumers "stubbornly" insist on buying regular DVDs. 
    I have over 2000 DVDs. There's no way I'll replace them with HD/BR versions of the same, no matter which format wins out - the image is quite good enough, and on many I have DTS sound. A few favourites will be upgraded, once I decide on which format to go with.
    Until then, my Denon upscaling DVD player (same as that mentioned above) does a wonderful job. 

  • 04-28-2007 7:53 AM In reply to

    • symmes
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    "Which means you'll have to wait until one of those trains slams off the tracks. At present, both parties are claiming they are in the lead with their formats, but both are also far off their sales targets as consumers "stubbornly" insist on buying regular DVDs."

    Great points.  What if neither technology makes it?  We could be in the midst of another DVD-Audio/SACD debacle where nobody wins except for a small number of consumers who embrace the technology.  I hate to blaspheme, but you can already buy a player to upconvert DVDs to 1080p for less than $200.  That means holiday specials will be under $100.  In case anyone forgot, it's "Joe Lunchpail" who makes technology successful in the market.  And in my own case, I can go from 480i to 1080i by moving by progressive bifocals.


  • 04-28-2007 8:25 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    With the discussion herein about upconverting, does that mean the Beovision 9 once it has the 1080p as well as the Beovision 7 will upconvert all images to 1080p? Do they currently upconvert to 768? or something similiar. A dealer is offering us a great price on a Beovision 9 and we are trying to decide whether or not to wait for a 1080 p 7 or 9.

    A post on another link said it will not upconvert. I always understood our Avant to upconvert to 480p?

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

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  • 04-28-2007 10:06 AM In reply to

    • Tom
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    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    ... We could be in the midst of another DVD-Audio/SACD debacle where nobody wins except for a small number of consumers who embrace the technology...

    Good point too. Could be possible, but for me, the difference between the SACD/ Audio-DVD depate and this one is, that people seem to be more aware of sound and picture quality today than they were some years ago IMO.

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 04-28-2007 4:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    >>What if neither technology makes it?<<

    That is my feeling right now. Somebody posted here or I read somehwere that the reason why Microsoft backs HD DVD is that it wants both technologies to fail. Think about what would have happened if they would have backed blueray as well. Then it would have been pretty much clear. Would have been just a question of getting the pricing right so that consumers pick the new format over the cheap DVD.

    So at this point I think both will fail, I am guessing movie on demand will be the next thing even though the Apple TV didn't really take off. And then maybe we see another contender and upscaling DVDs may just do fine for that.


    BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

  • 04-28-2007 9:25 PM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    I guess if I think about it, I bought quite a few DVDs when I first got my player, but can't remember the last time I bought one - never mind an HD DVD. All movies I watch now are on Sky so I don't have the urge to spend £10+ on a movie I may only watch once - there's usually something on Sky thats watchable.

    So maybe I agree with jk1002 that the way forward is no permanent purchase of movies, but via the movies on demand.

    There's something different with an audio CD that makes me still want to buy them.

  • 04-29-2007 1:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    >>There's something different with an audio CD that makes me still want to buy them<< 
    I think music we tend to hear more then once and even go back after years. A movie is usually seen once, maybe twice if at all.

    I used to buy all my DVDs but realized that probably only 10 or so are really worth buying in a year if at all. I went back to DVD rental since I only watch on weekends and here in US Netflix DVD rental is way cheaper then cable TV.

    That said, I strongly beliece in the on demand concept if the price is right. Right now, with movies clocking in at 10$ in the Itunes store it is not. 

    BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

  • 04-29-2007 1:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Where do you think the BV7 heading - technology-wise

    >>There's something different with an audio CD that makes me still want to buy them<< 
    I think music we tend to hear more then once and even go back after years. A movie is usually seen once, maybe twice if at all.

    I used to buy all my DVDs but realized that probably only 10 or so are really worth buying in a year if at all. I went back to DVD rental since I only watch on weekends and here in US Netflix DVD rental is way cheaper then cable TV.

    That said, I strongly beliece in the on demand concept if the price is right. Right now, with movies clocking in at 10$ in the Itunes store it is not. 

    I used to get DVDs for free, which made building a collection somewhat simple - have also bought a considerable number myself. But I agree with the people posting here that downloads, Netflix, etc., are much better ways to go. I have downloaded US TV-series through Bittorrent, and the moment they are available in the same resolution for purchase I'll buy them. They come straight to my harddisk in 1080i resolution, and look wonderful through my projector. This is definitely the way to go. And yes, as someone mentions above, there's usually so much ON every night that it's not hard to find something to watch ...
    Which is why I wonder whether the studios' strategy of selling us all our films a third time (VHS > DVD > HD) is going to work as planned.

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