colinhtucker: Any thought on the level of challenge of rewiring 240v for 110?
I obtained an extraodinarily well-priced pair of 6632 at an estate sale (some cosmetic issues to the case, but the drivers are pristine, and the amps light up green when connected). I understand that to upconvert 110 to 240, each Penta needs 300w, which means an upconverter of 900w or more capacity. That's a shoebox-sized upconverter for each speaker, at $75 each. Makes the rewiring attractive even if a bit of effort is needed.
It's not difficult for someone who knows what they're doing, but if you're asking about it then you'd be best off having someone do it for you. It certainly is a better solution than using a converter transformer. You can remove the amplifiers at the bottom by turning the speakers on their side and unscrewing the screws at each corner. After unplugging the amplifiers from the rest of the speakers, you can take the amp to your b&o shop and have them rewire it for you. If there's a local electronics repair shop nearby, you could also take the amps to them and show them the schematics from the service manual.
By the way, changing the voltage won't change the wattage. Wattage = voltage x current. When you halve the voltage, the transformer draws twice the current, so the wattage remains the same.