some months ago I bought a cheap Beocenter 2800 which had several defects - non-functional sliders, sticking buttons, turntable arm would not rise nor lower, belt was missing, etc etc... I have been able to fix up pretty much everything (except for the cracked lid), but the phono sound is murky on the left channel (radio & tape from the external connctor are fine), treble seems somehow attenuated.
Could this be a problem in the cartrige itself (seems to be original MMC 3000), which I'm not particularly looking forward to replacing, or does this sound like a possible problem in the phono pre-amp stage? Any other possibilites?
Also, any suggestions on what to use for lubricating the tone arm mechanism? The lift mechanism plunger was frozen solid when I got the machine. I got it loose with BreakFree gun oil, but it doesn't seem to last too long, the lift is getting really slow again...
(this is my first post - I got sucked into this after finding a really nice Beomaster 900K on a flea market. Seems like there's no escape...