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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-30-2007 5:38 AM by MoglesMac. 2 replies.
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  • 11-29-2007 5:43 PM

    Abit too eager Beogram CD 5500

    Some months ago i recived my Beogram CD 5500 and i then completed my Beosystem 5500. However I did a big error when I tested the CD since i forgot to unplug the transportplugs (not good...) but i seem to recall that it did behave nicely the first couples of days after removing plugs. Then it started to be more and more quick to close the CD-tray, it have even been time when i almost have to struggle in order to aviod getting stuck in the CD-tray. At the time i suspected that it was my big error with the transportplugs that maybe have done something bad but now i start to more and more think that maybe the error was from start. I have read thru the servicemanual and i cant see anything that could have "gone loose" with the CD-tray in order to make this behaviour. As it is right now the tray stays open around 20-30 sec and then closes and even with or without CD it activates the Beomaster wich then turns on and starts to play if there is a CD inside the tray. If none then CD goes to standby with Beomaster still active on CD. The CD-tray doesnt feel strange at all, the function itself seems 100% working, nothing loose or so, just that its very eager to close the CD-tray.

     Does anybody have a good and hopefully easy way to fix this?


    Cheers and thanx for all the help.


    Jesper L




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  • 11-29-2007 5:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Abit too eager Beogram CD 5500

    Mine is a little similar! It is a contact on the CD mechanism that will have been jolted. Apparently if you take the top off the CD5500, the contact is obvious at the rear of the CD assembly. I might have a look at mine this week end!
  • 11-30-2007 5:38 AM In reply to

    Re: Abit too eager Beogram CD 5500

    Oh :D ok I also think of someday take a look inside it, thanks for the tip and if you check it and find yours, please take a small photo so i can see what im supposed to see :D, again thanx for everything.


    Jesper L



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