Ken: Anyone knows how to send "long" ir commands from a macro? For instance I need to send "Play" for 2 seconds to bring up the channal list on my TV, or send "Play" for 2 seconds to bring up the content list on my HDR-2, or send "Red" for 1 second to turn off lights in my home control system.
If this possible to program to a buttom in BEO5?
Hi Ken,
The beo5 configuration tool software let you set "continuous" IR commands in macros for on-screen keys, no problem there.
But sometimes that's simply not necessary at all; in your example: to send "Play" for 2 seconds to bring up the channal list on my TV as Quim said, you can use the beo5 central hard key in the same way than beo4...pressing it for 2 seconds will active the on-screen tv channel list , same thing for the HDR2 example pressing quick twice central keys in beo4 or beo5 works exactly in the same way.