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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-26-2007 8:42 AM by soundproof. 8 replies.
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  • 11-24-2007 2:27 PM

    Remote? Lights?

    On my remote there is a "lights" button, did/does B&O make household lighting that can be controlled with the remote. If so I have to get some. Are they readily available?





  • 11-24-2007 2:42 PM In reply to

    • Craig
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Remote? Lights?

    There were two Light control units produced by B&O. LC1 and it's successor LC2. Unfortunately LC2's are no longer produced. They do come up on Ebay quite often and are very sought after. Prices are close to what they cost new if not more. There are products from other companies that are designed to work with your B&O remote. Although I admit to knowing very little about these. Sure some of our other members tell you more. Here are links to the two B&O versions.




    For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen..

  • 11-24-2007 2:42 PM In reply to

    • Craig
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    • Costa Del St Evenage
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    Re: Remote? Lights?

    Sorry double post

    For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen..

  • 11-24-2007 4:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Remote? Lights?

    My local B&O store are using Lintronic for their instore lights.
    BV 7-40 MkIII, Avant RF, BL 5's & 4000's, BS 9000, and Beo4+5. Waiting for BS 5
  • 11-24-2007 5:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Remote? Lights?

    Lutron do lights that work with B&O. Often sold in the dealers.

    The old lighting devices were really single light controllers but were very flexible and a good number could be controlled. The big advantage at the time was that they could be controlled through the two way Master Control Link  System which allowed you to program lights to go on and off at certain times and you could also set light pictures that would work through the house. Sadly missed!

  • 11-24-2007 8:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Remote? Lights?

    Light control would definitely something I would want them to bring back. I looked at the Lutron but they require prof installation. I would simply want dimmers replacing a wall mounted switch, or maybe something that can replace a table lamp switch.

     I am using a normal Lutron dinner with seperated remoted, Lintronik could help out but I am on a mac.



    BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

  • 11-26-2007 7:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Remote? Lights?

    I was hoping that there were a range of B&O lights/lamps loads of brushed aliminium etc and that you could just dim or switch these on with the remote but this is a system that I could not implement at the moment because I live in rented accommodation and I am sure that my landlord would not want me messing around with light switches etc.


    I am really surprised that this stuff did not take off or cheaper alternatives for the general market. Maybe it is because I was (still am) a geek as a child - I was really impressed with voice activated lighting systems - you know when you walk into the lounge and state "lights on" they come on. Apparently, according to a friend of mine, this is all rather easy to do. Yet not many people have done it. Perhaps I must be the only lazy person in the UK who cannot summon up the energy to use a switch.


  • 11-26-2007 8:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Remote? Lights?

    I suppose the problem with voice activated commands tends to be incorrect activation! I have voice activated commands in my Prius, but you have to press a button first and this rather makes the whole thing pointless as the button to activate the feature you want is probably next to the voice activation button. This allied to the comedy routine as it gets the command wrong or you can't remember the command makes me think a good remote at home cannot be beaten! The B&O keyring does have a Lights button on it of course!
  • 11-26-2007 8:42 AM In reply to

    Re: Remote? Lights?

    I have some LC2s that I use, though I've noticed that I get unreliable performance in the room I have the plasma in, which I think was a recognized problem with the sensors. Worth looking for in your local auction/sales listings.

    I'm using them in the den - very nice to be able to control the lights with the one remote. 

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