Dear all,
since I bought my Beo 5 two months ago, my local dealer faces some major problems with the configuration. As an early adopter, the dealer had my understanding for his adaption to the software and this new product. After waiting almost two months, I handed my Beo 5 to my B&O dealer. Together we generated a list of features, like channels, devices and rooms of my B&O setups at home. After trying for allmost one week, my dealer told me that he allmost gave up. The software crashes continuously during uploading the setup. After several phone calls to Struer, B&O itself admitted reportedly that they are facing some major issues with more "complex" configurations of the Beo 5.
Unlike many other B&O products the Beo 5 issue generates frustration for me:
1. The Beo 5 software and it's configuration tool seems not to be technically mature for the use with complex setups.
2. The dealers seem to be overstrained by a complex and time-consuming configuration tool for the Beo5.
3. It's highly unsatisfactory for the customer to ask his dealer for a favor, even for minor changes of the Beo 5 configuration.
Did anybody else have similar experiences with the Beo5 ?