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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 03-22-2010 2:04 PM by macjonny1. 23 replies.
11-04-2007 6:59 PM
The Beonic Man

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath
- Posts 426

When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Curious to know how recently people bought one? We are entering a digital age and the arrival of the new BeoSound 5 will be the first of a lot more products to come harnesssing this technology I am sure. Nonetheless, I recently bought a BeoSound 9000 because of my love for its styling, plus the fact I still have a considerable amount of CDs to play and I want something sexy to play them on! Anyone else think along the same lines or are you now holding out for the next new thing? Is BeoSound 9000 a thing of the past? What do people think?
"We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
7-40, 7-2, 9000, BS3, BC2, LC2, BC6000, Beo5

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Moderator - UK
- Posts 5,223

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
A very good, and a very relevant question - and one that i'm sure B&O have asked themselves countless times.
Yes, for sure - it's an "old" product - and CD's certainly WILL become an obsolete technology, much in the same way as Audio Cassette. Perhaps not in the quality stakes though as Cassette and CD were streets apart, whereas the gulf between CD's and lossless Mp3 is not quite as dramatic.
The BeoSound 9000 will always be a 'classic' - much as the BeoCenter 9500 has become, and there will always be a place in every B&O enthusiasts heart for the product. It has become a modern icon, and no matter what - it is lodged in the psyche of this, the last and the next generation who have all admired it somehow, somewhere.
Thing of the past? This requires a lot of thought. For the forward thinking - it is already, but its beauty will prevail and we will still revere it for many years to come i'm certain.
BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Southern CA
- Posts 137

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Ive had mine for a year. I love every minute of it.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 445

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Purchased in 1999. I'd like to see the design stay though the technology modernised. Perhaps DVD a hard disk etc etc.. Beoaus.
Frank Rizzo

- Joined on 05-15-2007
- Posts 599

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
2001 or 2002........and I love it...still..but ready for whatever comes down the pike...from BnO....yeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaa !!!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 263

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
unfortunatly I don't own one, but it has always been the next bit of B&O I am going to add to my collection, (and as I began to study again 2 years ago I won't have the money for one anytime soon). I do think its clever to have a music library like I have in iTunes, but in my case, I can't see MP3 or any other digital format replace the CD. I get a kind of satisfaction, (please don't misunderstand this), of browsing my CDs, picking one out and putting in on, that I cannot get from searching a file on the computer and then doubleclick it. With a 9000 it takes the CD playing to another level as it puts the CDs on display like no other unit. I love it and would like it to stay as it is. In my opinion the 9000 cannot include DVD playback, and a harddrive is also out of the question because of the simple display, and I can't see the display upgraded as this would alter the design of the unit.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 516

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
I have mine for 3 years now, still like to look and enjoy it every day! However, a small upgrade to todays technology would not be to bad. I disagree with B&O common behavior only to introduce new technology with new products, so what about a SD-Card reader or an iPod/Beosound 6 interface with Beo4/beolink control? Than this product will justify its high price for the next 5 years. kawo
BV4-50, Beosystem 3, Beolab 5, Beolab 3, BV3-32, BV1, BS9000, Beolab 4, Beolab 2000, Beo4 Cinema

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bavaria
- Posts 470

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Have one since two years now. The look is still stunning and so I would buy it again today. Marcus

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Svinarp, Sweden
- Posts 1,284

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Since 2000 and will not change it for any other audiomaster. Maybe I upgrade it for netmusic but first I need a new computer.
Beovision LX5500, BeoCord V6000, BeoSound 9000, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 3500, BeoLab 2000, BeoVox1, BeoCom 6000, Form1, LightControl 1

- Joined on 08-20-2007
- Northern Ireland
- Posts 121

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Got mine in 1997, and brought it kicking and screaming into the digital age by hooking it upto an Apple Airport Express, so now I can stream the 10,000+ tracks from iTunes. Still looks amazing, and my friends still comment on it, after all this time 

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Luxembourg
- Posts 3,175

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
I think that BS9000 is, probably together with the BL8000, the most iconic design B&O has (ever) made. I hope B&O will keep it in the range and upgrade it. I don't own a music system yet, was planning to get a BS4 next year, but as SWMBO recently told me how cool the BS9000 looks and how well it would fit on the sideboard we bought last week, we will save some more money and go for a BS9000. I can't wait for it!
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 626

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
I bought mine in Jauary 2007. Yes, compared to the latest technology it is dated, but for listening to CDs it's superb. I have a lot of CDs, and I cannot see any reason to swich to MP3. I might I the near future begin to download tracks and albums to my PC, but I have no plans skipping my CDs ever. I belive, that CDs will obtain the same position as LPs have today.
Living room: BV7-40 mkIV + V8000, BL5, BL3, BM1 and BS9000. Bedroom: MX3000 and BL4500 on MCL2-AV. Around: PentaIII, CX100 and MCX35 on ML/MCL + MCL2-A, BeoPort and BL4 on ML, BS3300 + M75 as stand alone, BC6000 + BC600 and BT1100, LC1, LC2, Beo4, Beo5 and BL1000, BS2 and A8, EarSet2, Apron, Coffee mugs, Enamel Bagdes, Bath towel, Keyring, Books, Lots of miniature and the Bottle opener. Office: BC2300 + BL2500 and BS3. Summer house: BS Century.
Addicted? Oh no.... ;)

- Joined on 10-19-2007
- Scandinavia
- Posts 254

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Hi Good question..! I bought one in October 1997 but I sold it again in July 2002, and god damn have I regret that ever since, and I know that soon I will own one again (this time I want it on the stand), so you can say that I'm in the market for buying one, though there still is coming new and maybe more future prospects better products, then the Beosound 9000 is still on my Audio top wish list. There is just so much B&o Design icon over it - it literally screams B&O and it's sexy looking..! IMHO  This would be one of the products that I would keep as an keeper item, together with my Beosystem 4500 (hope to find a Beolink 7000 to complete it) Anders

- Joined on 04-30-2007
- Indianapolis, USA
- Posts 261

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Bought mine around 2001 or 2002, can't remember. It's been the only B & O kit I have kept throughout... and will continue to keep as it is a timeless bit of functional art. -Sal
Love B&O, but no longer addicted.
R Patton

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Kansas
- Posts 162

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
We have had ours since 1999, and I still see family and friends go right up to it and just stare at it every time they visit. It's funny, they never say a word but you can tell they are captivated by it. I also find myself noticing it from various angles all the time, because of the way lights or colors reflect off the glass or because of the different CD's, etc. It's a constantly changing work of art. It makes me smile each and every time . I would never think of getting rid of it and will find a way to incorporate it into my music system years from now. Roger

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 458

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
ThePriest:This would be one of the products that I would keep as an keeper item, together with my Beosystem 4500 (hope to find a Beolink 7000 to complete it)
Absolutely! Got it in late 1998 or 99, I guess it was. Sold the original Mk II replacing it with MkIII. (Thanks mainly to ‘geopolitical differences’ in B&O’s pricing at that time, sold the old one for the original (new) price!) It’s a great machine, and I don’t mind that I had to get exchanged the CD mech on both, as they were placed relatively close to a fireplace, I suspect … that’s what you have the extra warranty for. It’s especially good when such a lazy SOB like me sits down not willing to change a CD every time it’s finished: there are 5 more to go … From the comfort of my sofa I somehow feel the designer got the balance between its function and the visual right . Only extremely rarely I can listen to all 6 of them in one go, but you can let them just sit in there and go to sleep – tomorrow is also a day. Music from my PC's hard drive through BeoPort gives me more options – even without BeoMedia1 - as what to listen to, but BS9000 dig out to BL5 is more enjoyable still …
The Beonic Man

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath
- Posts 426

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
So encouraging to read people's comments. I have a huge smile on my face at this moment because I feel exactly the same as everyone who has posted. It does seem that this product has it all doesn't it? I am measuring that by the way it has captivated its audience since inception, and continues to do so as we have already been in a digital age for some time now. It surely always will. What a tremeandous personal success for both David Lewis and Bang and Olufsen; David for the ingenious idea and design concept (a great visionary), and B&O for equally and ingeniously making it happen, which took 2 years for them to perfect from what I have read. What a credit to the engineers who did it. Add to that, thousands of satisifed and happy users worldwide who don't have a bad word to say against it. A true story of success in every possible way. Are there any other similar success stories? Would we put the BeoLab 8000s in the same league? Perhaps earlier products although I don't know too much about B&O products from the 70s or earlier, my own introduction to the company was in the early 80s.
"We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
7-40, 7-2, 9000, BS3, BC2, LC2, BC6000, Beo5

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Luxembourg
- Posts 3,175

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
The Beonic Man:...A true story of success in every possible way. Are there any other similar success stories? ....
this is really an interesting question. Are there any statistics about the best selling B&O products there have been. Would be interesting to know. My money tells me that BL8000 is in the top 5 of that list.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Bought mine in october or november 2008.
Edit, just saw what an old thread this was. 
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Hello I have question regarding my Beosound 9000: When playing CDs and tracks in different ways,particulary in random order, some time afterwards it paused (each time in another CD from the six).Can you advise me if there a malfunction in the beosound 9000? Or may be the optics of the CD mechanism has to be clean? If so, how can I clean it?Can I use cleaning CD?Or may be something else to be done? Please advise. Thanks Eli |
Best to start a new thread, I'm sure you will get better answers and people will find you question easier.
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 11-08-2009
- Posts 355

Re: When did you buy your BeoSound 9000?
Well I got mine a few wks ago for almost "free!"
Picked up an ebay BS9000 plus BL3 pair of speakers for just a bit over what the pair of BL3 could be sold for. BS9000 came in the original box, Beo4 remote, and was the MKIII version! BL3s came with floor stands! All worked and arrived perfect!
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