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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 03-20-2008 7:53 PM by StUrrock. 60 replies.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 2,340

Which Mac mini do you have? I'm getting a very nice image, output at 1360x768 from the Mac mini, through a DVI to HDMI cable. My daughter and her friends are watching The Illusionist right now and it looks wonderful. Ripped it with MactheRipper, and it's playing from the TS_File. But you can link your MPEG4 file to DVDPedia in the same way you would with a TS. It will then open in QuickTime or VLC. Don't know whether DVD Player will also open it.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Holland
- Posts 505

The new AirPort Extreme is hooked up to my ADSL modem. Connected to the iomega 750gb harddrive via USB.
Link Airport Extreme: http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?mco=60C1CBAD&fnode=home/shop_mac/mac_accessories/airport_wireless&nplm=MB053LL/A
Link Iomega 750gb harddrive (USA site has only 500gb for sale): http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?mco=7E4EB91E&nplm=TN691ZM/A
Now I (can) watch GLADIATOR on the BV7 and LAST OF THE MOHICANS on the PowerBook G4 simultaniously glitch free...

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 263

Nice, it's been a long time since I've last visited BeoWorld, especially the mac part, and what a nice surprise to read this post. I haven't tried the software yet, but I'm very interested after reading your posts. I have a plan of buying a MacMini to use as a mediacenter, I've been meaning to buy an Airport Extreme for ages and I already have an external harddrive which I want to connect to the Extreme base. At the moment I use my MBP when I need to watch different series/movies. I'm looking very much forward to trying this out, thanks for sharing. Wauw Jos, your kid is really getting big :o)

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Holland
- Posts 505

soundproof:When extracting films, I recommend you pick the option to extract the feature only. (That is, not the extras, or the trailers in front, etc.) That way, when you pick a cover the program will go immediately into the feature, without warnings, trailers and menu.
Thanks for the tip. Works great. Now I'm uploading the rest in the final setup. This means the data goes from WiFi to Airport Extreme finally to the Iomega harddrive. This takes up twice the time then when hardwired the harddrive to the computer. But it's hasle free. So I'll keep doing that untill all DVD's are fed to my new Iomega harddrive.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Holland
- Posts 505

Toubro:What do you use to navigate DVDpedia, when using the MacMini as a mediacentre??
To play the movie on the BV7 I use the wireless keyboard and mouse. I navigate through fullscreen DVDPedia untill I find the movie I'm looking for. In my setup I do this with the mouse. During movie playback I blow up the image to minimize the black bars above/below the movie.
On the PowerBook G4 I navigatie with the keyboard and trackpad to my favourit movie, I hook up my A8 headphones and enjoy.
I like the iPod Touch control soundproof uses, but am satisfied for the moment. To watch my entire stored DVD collection I use; - Software: DVDPedia - Software: Mac DVD-player - Software: MacTheRipper (freeware) - Hardware: Mac Mini (first model => non-Intel, non-IR, non-RemoteControl, non-digitalOUT) - Hardware: Iomega harddrive 750gb hardwired to AE base station
- Hardware: AirPort Extreme Base Station
My next target is to get the BEO4 working seamlesly with the software and hardware mentioned above, for less the cost of an iPod Touch!!!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
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Hi Coolskin,
you can control DVDPedia with Beo 4 using a Lintronic -238 box, mira software and the Manta IR receiver (www.twistedmelon.com/mira). I just tested this with a (Intel) Macbook (without the IR-receiver) and it works fine. The Lintronic-box uses Apple remote IR codes in DVD2 mode.Using mira software I can control both DVDPedia and DVDPlayer. Selecting a DVD in DVDPedia opens DVDPlayer. Pressing the Menu button opens the mira launch menu and you can get back to DVDPedia. This solution works in the mainroom. BS3 and BV7 MKIII owners should be able to control this also from linkrooms (has anybody experiences?) using the PUC with Apple remote codes. For use in linkrooms you have to connect an analogue audio- and video-signal (composite, s-video) to the videomaster to distribute the signal via RF-modulator, I think (?).

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 263

soundproof:Salling supports Remote Buddy, as does the Apple Remote. You'll just have to be using the Remote Buddy interface instead of the Touch relevant ones.
This sounds very interesting. Do you where I can read more about this, cause I cant find anything on Salling Clickers webpage or on the Remote Buddy page about the interaction between the two.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Toubro: soundproof:Salling supports Remote Buddy, as does the Apple Remote. You'll just have to be using the Remote Buddy interface instead of the Touch relevant ones.
This sounds very interesting. Do you where I can read more about this, cause I cant find anything on Salling Clickers webpage or on the Remote Buddy page about the interaction between the two.
With the Apple Remote it's straightforward, with Salling you have to program hotkeys, I think. Haven't tried it myself, but have a look here: http://www.salling.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=22451&sid=c055298ee8b7410de434f0b1320d7e3d

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 516

Anyone tried DVDpedia with Leopard? On my MBP the link to the video_ts folders does not start the DVD player anymore. Any thoughts? thank you kawo
BV4-50, Beosystem 3, Beolab 5, Beolab 3, BV3-32, BV1, BS9000, Beolab 4, Beolab 2000, Beo4 Cinema

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 2,340

kawo:Anyone tried DVDpedia with Leopard? On my MBP the link to the video_ts folders does not start the DVD player anymore. Any thoughts? thank you kawo
Hi Kawo, I have been holding off installing Leopard on my Mac mini, but went ahead and did it this afternoon, and I think I know what your problem is. (That is, if you're using an external hard disk to store your movies on). If you're storing movies on your computer, check the pathway under Links for one of your movies, and make certain that your stored movies are in a folder found along the exact same pathway, and with the same names. I have a separate server where I store the movies. Once I had installed and updated to the latest version of Leopard, I tried DVDPEDIA and got no connection to my movie library. That was because the harddrive they're on hadn't been launched automatically, which it was set to do under Tiger. (You can do that using SysPref>Accounts>Log In Items.) At any rate, once I had launched the harddisk, and told Leopard to store its Username/Password in Keychain, everything ran as under Tiger. To launch your harddisk, press Command+K from your Finder, enter the harddisks address and log-in info. Once it's launched, you can then use the Log In Items procedure above to ensure this happens automatically whenever your computer is on. With Leopard, I now have perfect Wireless playback on my MacBook Pro and iMac - while the Mac mini still needs about 30 seconds before it does smooth playback (probably needing to store the movie in the buffer). I'm going to experiment with where I place the Mac mini (and since I have run an Ethernet cable to it, the wireless functionality is really moot). I also had to reset my Remote Buddy iPod Touch log-in address -- so it's probably worth it to go over your peripheral addresses once you've done the Leopard upgrade.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 263

soundproof: Toubro: soundproof:Salling supports Remote Buddy, as does the Apple Remote. You'll just have to be using the Remote Buddy interface instead of the Touch relevant ones.
This sounds very interesting. Do you where I can read more about this, cause I cant find anything on Salling Clickers webpage or on the Remote Buddy page about the interaction between the two.
With the Apple Remote it's straightforward, with Salling you have to program hotkeys, I think. Haven't tried it myself, but have a look here: http://www.salling.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=22451&sid=c055298ee8b7410de434f0b1320d7e3d
Thanks for your research, it doesn't look like it'll be easy, but I'll give it a try when I get the time. Is there a way to start up the program in the fullscreen mode?? If it's used as a mediacentre this would be the ideal in my opninion. I would love if it was possible to add it as a Front Row item :o)

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 516

soundproof: kawo: Anyone tried DVDpedia with Leopard? On my MBP the link to the video_ts folders does not start the DVD player anymore. Any thoughts? thank you kawo
Hi Kawo, I have been holding off installing Leopard on my Mac mini, but went ahead and did it this afternoon, and I think I know what your problem is. (That is, if you're using an external hard disk to store your movies on). If you're storing movies on your computer, check the pathway under Links for one of your movies, and make certain that your stored movies are in a folder found along the exact same pathway, and with the same names.
Hi, all my movies are in the movie folder at the same disk. Also I installed Leopard on a blank disk and DVDpedia afterwards. However, FrontRow does the job quite nice for the moment as it can play Video_TS files and you also can get a preview image of the DVD cover next to the file list. thank you for your help! kawo
BV4-50, Beosystem 3, Beolab 5, Beolab 3, BV3-32, BV1, BS9000, Beolab 4, Beolab 2000, Beo4 Cinema

- Joined on 09-19-2007
- Posts 357

Ah I totally forgot about this thread! Okay, the resolution problem isn't on the Mini. It's the latest revision. It's the 1080i that's the problem. I bought too early/cheap. If it was 1080p then I'd have no problems since the Mini would know it natively over the DVI. But... it doesn't work out that way for me. The mpeg-4 idea also doesn't work for me since those movies would only show up well on my Apple TV. So DVDPedia wouldn't get me anywhere unfortunately. Clearly my only choice is to toss my Toshiba and get a BV7 =)

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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dilznik, you write: Okay, the resolution problem isn't on the Mini. It's the latest revision. It's the 1080i that's the problem. I bought too early/cheap. If it was 1080p then I'd have no problems since the Mini would know it natively over the DVI. But... it doesn't work out that way for me. What connection do you have? I use a DVI-to-HDMI to my 720p/1080i BeoVision 8, and was mightily impressed when Detect Displays on the Mac immediately recognized BeoVision 8!
The mpeg-4 idea also doesn't work for me since those movies would only show up well on my Apple TV. So DVDPedia wouldn't get me anywhere unfortunately. Clearly my only choice is to toss my Toshiba and get a BV7 =)
The MPEG-4 limitation I don't understand. What's the problem?

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 2,340

kawo:Hi, all my movies are in the movie folder at the same disk. Also I installed Leopard on a blank disk and DVDpedia afterwards. However, FrontRow does the job quite nice for the moment as it can play Video_TS files and you also can get a preview image of the DVD cover next to the file list. thank you for your help! kawo
My localnet addresses got changed by the Leopard upgrade, maybe something similar happened to you?

- Joined on 09-19-2007
- Posts 357

soundproof:What connection do you have? I use a DVI-to-HDMI to my 720p/1080i BeoVision 8, and was mightily impressed when Detect Displays on the Mac immediately recognized BeoVision 8!
VGA =( I'm pretty sure it's my craptacular Toshiba. If I use <name of program that I can't remember> to force a resolution like 1366x722 (or whatever the Toshiba can do) then my TV flips out.
The MPEG-4 limitation I don't understand. What's the problem?
Ah. If I go Mini-->TV then it's just bad because of the resolution. AppleTV is fine. If I rip a DVD to Apple TV format then I can watch it on my Toshiba, but since it's on the AppleTV it doesn't do me much good. Playing it in AppleTV format on iTunes through DVDpedia on my Mini does me no good since the connection from the Mini to the TV is junk. Really I have two choices if I want to go that route. Either rip everything to AppleTV format and just use the AppleTV to stream from the Mini, which is okay because then I can load the same films on my ipod touch and make my commute far less boring. Or I can sell my TV and get one that actually does DVI. FAKE EDIT (since I haven't hit the post button): I didn't notice that you mentioned the DVI-HDMI cable... I could give that a try, too. Those cables are friggin' bank though... And I seem to recall seeing a post somewhere else where the person that tried it had no luck, but they may have had an older OS or Mac...

- Joined on 09-19-2007
- Posts 357

Woohoo! The DVI-HDMI cable took care of everything!
Now a question of sound... I just got my Beoport yesterday and want to hook it up to the Mac that'll be doing the DVDpedia stuff. Is it possible? Will the Mac's sound come out of my stereo?

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Holland
- Posts 505

DVDPEDIA help required on linking "series"
Only the Lord of the Rings special edition remain for upload. These 3 DVD box sets are each filled with 2 movie DVD's.
I would like to link special DVD box disc 1 and 2. In a way that if disc 1 has ended disc 2 will automatically start playing.
If this works out, I could link all 6 together, for a marathon movie of approximately 12 hours.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 263

Re: DVDPEDIA help required on linking "series"
Coolskin, do I understand it correctly that you don't compress the DVD, but use the full size VIDEO_TS file from the DVD?? Can I ask how much time it usually takes to rip the movie??

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Holland
- Posts 505

Re: DVDPEDIA help required on linking "series"
Toubro:Coolskin, do I understand it correctly that you don't compress the DVD, but use the full size VIDEO_TS file from the DVD?? Can I ask how much time it usually takes to rip the movie??
You did understand correctly. The upload time depends if I do it hardwired or wirelessly. Upload speed with MacTheRipper are approximately: 8 gigabyte / hour when hardwired computer to harddrive 4 gigabyte / hour when the connection is wireless (Airport Extreme). Average disc size is between 4.5 and 6.5gb. Only mainfeature ofcourse. I skip the rest.
I upload all remaining DVD's wireless because I have installed the Iomega harddrive next to the Apple Airport Extreme in a closet central in our home.
The upload time is twice as much, but doesn't affect my PowerBook recources. I can use i.e. the internet as if nothing was going on.
PS: The new external harddrive is now filled with more then 2/3 of its capacity (76x DVD). If the LotR discs are included I've uploaded little more than 80 DVD's.