Hi everyone,
Yep, I'm a neewbie!!
I bought the Beo 5 whilst on holiday in spain a few weks ago because I managed to get the software out of the dealer - and of course got it much cheaper there!
This thing is incredible and only limited by your imagination!
Anyway, I was trying to get all the logos for the screens and was being just a littele frustrated in the sometimes poor quality a download becomes when obtained from a website.
So, if you have a problem, try www.wikipedia.org.uk and type into the search engine the name of the radio station or tv channel you need, and usually , a high quality image appears on the right hand side! Sometimes the Wikipedia website did not work on my computer, so I tried going onto Google and typing it incorrectly as www.wikpedia.org.uk and it came up!
I then used pixresizer software, try http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm which is free and not only reduces the image size pixel by pixel, but increases it as well whilst giving you the option of keeping the ratio the same. It will also convert files from JPG to BMP etc.
Has anyone put together a manual of what the various commands mean i.e. the many function commands? and SC?, SS? on the remote page?