First I'd like to say the new site is looking great- good work guys!
Now, I'm hoping that
someone here might be able to help me figure out why this isn't
I've got a BeoMaster
4500 in my lounge and an MCL 2AV in the kitchen and they're not talking to each
other. The cable between the two is a brand new MCL cable which is definitely
plugged in to the BM the right way round, as I can measure 9v on the pink wire
which is I believe correct. The link eye is working because I can switch the
link speakers on and off and change the volume, but I can't control the central
I've also tried
plugging the BeoVision L2502 from the lounge in to the MCL 2AV (with the link
eye disconnected) to see if that could communicate over the MCL but without
BM is set to option
1.6 and MCL to 2.6, although tinkering with options doesn't seem to have made
any difference.
Do I have a hardware
fault here? Is there something else I could try?
I know this whole
set up is borderline antique, but I'd be very happy if I could get it
Thanks, Edd