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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-14-2007 3:13 PM by Jandyt. 50 replies.
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  • 09-13-2007 6:26 AM In reply to

    • Toubro
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    It actually looks like the right shape for scraping the ice of the carwindows in the winter time Stick out tongue
  • 09-13-2007 6:38 AM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Jacob Jensens problem today, from my point of view, is that he continue with the same basic idea, no changes at all.

    And since Jacob Jensen is not involved with B&O design today, that is a problem because? Big Smile

  • 09-13-2007 7:27 AM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    The only thing I'll say about the Serenta is this: who on earth thinks that the "Bang & Olufsen" name should be so close to SAMSUNG? The same problem with the Serene -- it's just ridiculous to have the two brands next to each other, juxtaposed.

    It would be one thing if B&O's name was positioned clearly as the designer, such as Bertone and Pininfarina on cars, but as it is it's like half the phone with twice the branding.

     I think PL212 is right. How to blow away decades of brand building in one easy lesson.

  • 09-13-2007 8:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Something tells me that B&O is trying to tear itself away from the sleek and pretentious to something more fun and cheerful. This phone definitely bears a resemblance to a kid's toy and yet looks too well crafted for that purpose. Very futurists in a way, everything is constucted ergonomically. Created more for a family guy rather than a bachelor. 
  • 09-13-2007 9:03 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Well those of you who know me also know my lack of excitement when it comes to mobile phones.

    It's a phone - it enables you to make phone calls and take pictures of drunken celebraties to sell to the newspapers. Why all the ooh aah over something that will very shortly be out of favour with the "must have" merchants??

    I just don't get itConfused



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-13-2007 9:40 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    Well those of you who know me also know my lack of excitement when it comes to mobile phones.

    It's a phone - it enables you to make phone calls and take pictures of drunken celebraties to sell to the newspapers. Why all the ooh aah over something that will very shortly be out of favour with the "must have" merchants??

    I just don't get itConfused



    At last - someone I can talk to at parties while others are sharing "amusing" jokes and videos on their 'phones.Big Smile

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 09-13-2007 9:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    Well those of you who know me also know my lack of excitement when it comes to mobile phones.

    It's a phone - it enables you to make phone calls and take pictures of drunken celebraties to sell to the newspapers. Why all the ooh aah over something that will very shortly be out of favour with the "must have" merchants??

    I just don't get itConfused



    At last - someone I can talk to at parties while others are sharing "amusing" jokes and videos on their 'phones.Big Smile

    Snap! Don't know what all the fuss is about. I said this about the serene and the same applies this time. It's a bloody phone!!!!

    Regards Graham

  • 09-13-2007 11:12 AM In reply to

    • Dave
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    It really irritates me to see the prominence of the Samsung name on the Serenata. Ick!

    The design of this product really excites me. However the Samsung logo tarnishes this excitement, completely for me.  

    Chris, Puncher & Graham - You say it's just a phone?!?!?! HELLO!! Ok then it's just a CD player, it enables you to play CD's. Do you see what i'm saying here? 

    “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

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  • 09-13-2007 11:51 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    It really irritates me to see the prominence of the Samsung name on the Serenata. Ick!

    The design of this product really excites me. However the Samsung logo tarnishes this excitement, completely for me.  

    Chris, Puncher & Graham - You say it's just a phone?!?!?! HELLO!! Ok then it's just a CD player, it enables you to play CD's. Do you see what i'm saying here? 

    It depends on your point of view - in my (our) case I see a phone as a tool i.e. purely functional, to be used when i need to speak to someone on the move. It is not my camera, nor my music player, games machine or diary. Following the same argument I don't have gold plated, diamond encrusted screwdrivers either. Others obviously have a completely different outlook.

    I can tell you will enjoy yours when it is launched.

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 09-13-2007 12:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    Wonderfull, they re-invented the bi bop (a french system of mobile in 90's)

    Ah ah ah!!!!

    I used to play with Bip Bop. That reminds me the year 1994. It was the thing that will be replaced later by our Tom Tom pager.


    --= "Everything gets done with Patience" =-- --= "Less is More" - Mies Van der Rohe"

    --= BV10 46", BL8K, BL4K, BL2, BS Ouverture, BC6000 (Mk3), BT1100, Beo4 , A8 and ...the Atomic Floyd "Airjax+Mic" earphones =--

  • 09-13-2007 4:11 PM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    It looks to me a  bit like an electric shaver :-)
  • 09-13-2007 4:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Dear All:

    It would be interesting to see how this thing will function.  It is hard to comment on the design from a two dimensional picuture.  To me, design is more than just looks, it is the inner and outer combined to work in harmony and does not forget who and why the product is used.  

    Phones are utilitarian objects that, unfortunately, their quality depends on the network.  

    When I hear music, I fear no danger. I see no foe... Thoreau
  • 09-13-2007 5:43 PM In reply to

    • mbee
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


     Your pager was a Tam Tam... Tom Tom is the GPS brand! Big Smile

  • 09-13-2007 6:46 PM In reply to

    • Dave
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    It really irritates me to see the prominence of the Samsung name on the Serenata. Ick!

    The design of this product really excites me. However the Samsung logo tarnishes this excitement, completely for me.  

    Chris, Puncher & Graham - You say it's just a phone?!?!?! HELLO!! Ok then it's just a CD player, it enables you to play CD's. Do you see what i'm saying here? 

    It depends on your point of view - in my (our) case I see a phone as a tool i.e. purely functional, to be used when i need to speak to someone on the move. It is not my camera, nor my music player, games machine or diary. Following the same argument I don't have gold plated, diamond encrusted screwdrivers either. Others obviously have a completely different outlook.

    I can tell you will enjoy yours when it is launched.

    Well i thought we were talking about the design concept of the phone here... Because i am 100% with you on the use of a phone - i believe it only makes sense to have a phone that solely enables you to call/ contact someone. What i was saying is why can't a phone be beautiful and different just like the all of the consumer electronics that B&O releases? Do you not appreciate the design and beauty of Bang & Olufsen products?

    In the end however i still prefer the Serene. It's design is like no other along with it's simplicit.

    “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

    Your health and well-being comes first and fore-most.



  • 09-13-2007 7:14 PM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Agree. My point is (harking back to the Serene which, only the stalwart could defend, was a bit of an odball) how much nicer can the design be than an already slim, fuctional slider (bearing in mind the cold, clinical chap that I am). If my "phone" cost me £45 (on PAYG) why would I pay 20 times as much for something that did the same? I see your argument re: CD players but is my phone a CD player or a screwdriver?? to me its a screwdriver. I would defend my CD50 to the hilt but would I openly weep if my phone got scratched, as I would were it my CD player - No is my answer.

    Horses for courses and all that - people value different things. Suffice to say I put £20 credit on my phone 2 months ago and I stiil have £7.24 left. I use it as a necessary evil rather than a means to life itself - others need them to exist and will argue vehemently the opposite.

    As an aside most of my credit disappears when I'm out and about and had a drink - did I break down, was there an emergency?? - No I was sending pointless "funny" texts and pictures. Is this essential to life as we know it - I think not (and I must stop)!

    Alright, I'll admit,  I'm an old fart!LaughingLaughing


    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 09-13-2007 7:29 PM In reply to

    • Dave
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Ah fair enough! I see these phones (the Serene & Serenata) as a fashionable accessory, a reliable device and a pleasure to use and own. Same as a Bang & Olufsen Stereo.

    Out of curiosity, do you buy any of the new B&O Puncher? 

    “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

    Your health and well-being comes first and fore-most.



  • 09-13-2007 8:38 PM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    The thing is that Serenata if all the information correct, could not be considered as a phone with other function, as it lack a keyboard, it means no dialing for blind people, no dialing in emergency situations, a device like Nokia 7280 is definitely an accessory only, especially from design point of view here design means everything not only form or materials but a product philosophy. Sereneta looks the same it is an mp3 player with a phone function....

     I do consider Serenata as i have to see it in a flesh, but i also need it to work in Japan (read -3G is essential), or i probably will go for


  • 09-14-2007 3:25 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata



    Chris, Puncher & Graham - You say it's just a phone?!?!?! HELLO!! Ok then it's just a CD player, it enables you to play CD's. Do you see what i'm saying here? 

    No disrespect intended to anyone who wants to spend ££$$$ on the latest mobile phone - it's just not something I would do. I see a mobile phone as simply a neccessary tool rather than a must have all singing all dancing accessory.

    I'm an old fart like Puncher and like my phone to make calls, my camera to take pictures and my sound system to play music. I have to admit that I got into B&O simply on the quality of their AV equipment and nothing has changed for me. My B&O sound systems are a (nearly 15 year old) system 7000 & a (20 year old) system 5500 and they still look better & outperform many modern systems, I cannot see any mobile phone doing that over the same time scale.

    Fair play to anyone who wants a Serenata and I truly hope they enjoy it when they get it.


    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-14-2007 3:48 AM In reply to

    • Beobird
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    The Serene was ok, but i'm not sure of this one...

     put Bang & Olufsen on this phone and it looks much cooler Big Smile


    We Can't Get Enough B&O Stuff...

  • 09-14-2007 3:49 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    Ah fair enough! I see these phones (the Serene & Serenata) as a fashionable accessory, a reliable device and a pleasure to use and own. Same as a Bang & Olufsen Stereo.

    Out of curiosity, do you buy any of the new B&O Puncher? 

    Same as Chris - 20 years old BS5000 and used to have an MX TV. None of the current audio systems really moves my soul the the the 5000 did in its day. If I was to buy something current it would most likely be BL8000 (old too, I know) to please the wife but if it were up to me it would be the BL9's.

    I think the point is re Serenata, my gripe isn't the design (if you read further down the post when people were complaining about the styling I actually defended the look of the thing), it just I find the whole "must-have" phone-fashion thing to be a bit arsey. (I actually fasten my shoe laces too)LaughingLaughing

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 09-14-2007 4:10 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


     (I actually fasten my shoe laces too)LaughingLaughing

    Kids today have never seen an aglet PuncherStick out tongue

    I agree though - the design of the Serenata is fine - the problem is it's a phoneBig Smile



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-14-2007 7:06 AM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Now listen up all old farts!
    The price of my Serene was £745 just less than a year ago, as it had been spinning round in a glass display case for three months.
    Who would spend £745 on a 'phone that does nowt? Not me.
    I am on contract and pay £18 a month which includes an all singing all dancing Kikinoko 'phone every eleven months.
    The same week I bought my Serene I also went in to collect my upgrade 'phone.  I never even opened the box, just whacked it straight on eBay and got £230 for it! I am going for my next upgrade in a couple of weekjs and will do the same with that.
    Assuming I get a similar price, in three years I have a free Serene!
    As all new products from B&O have a FOUR year warranty, I can't go wrong.
    I almost certainly will get a Serenata in two years time when this Serene has paid for itself.
    From another old fart.

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 09-14-2007 7:11 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata

    Yes Dad - you're absolutely right Dad - won't happen again Dad - Sorry.Smile

    That my trouble - I just don't plan three years ahead.

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 09-14-2007 7:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata



     Your pager was a Tam Tam... Tom Tom is the GPS brand! Big Smile

    Hi Mbee,

    You are Right !

    I mispelled the name of my former Tam Tam pager Smile


    Back in 1997 at school, it was the new trendy gadget to have Stick out tongue


    --= "Everything gets done with Patience" =-- --= "Less is More" - Mies Van der Rohe"

    --= BV10 46", BL8K, BL4K, BL2, BS Ouverture, BC6000 (Mk3), BT1100, Beo4 , A8 and ...the Atomic Floyd "Airjax+Mic" earphones =--

  • 09-14-2007 7:57 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Here it is - Picture of a new Serenata


    I am on contract and pay £18 a month which includes an all singing all dancing Kikinoko 'phone every eleven months.
    The same week I bought my Serene I also went in to collect my upgrade 'phone.  I never even opened the box, just whacked it straight on eBay and got £230 for it! I am going for my next upgrade in a couple of weekjs and will do the same with that.
    Assuming I get a similar price, in three years I have a free Serene!

    Get back to school Andy and redo your math's you old fart!!

    £18 X 12 = £216 per year. So in effect you have only made £14 on the phone you never used Huh?

    Nar nar nar nar nar narStick out tongue

    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

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