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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-23-2007 3:45 PM by Mike. 4 replies.
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  • 08-22-2007 7:22 PM

    • Ian
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    BV6 26" + Another Noise = Rant

    My BV6 26" has now developed another noise, this time from the back of the TV. If you stand over the TV and look down at the light (the back of the LCD panel) through the vents, you can hear it clearly. It's doesn't happen immediatley after it is turned on, sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. If not sure if it is an electrical buzz, or a fan (you have to turn the TV off, and then back on again to make it disappear). It's only been present for the last few months.

    I've recently had the DVB-T module fitted (I'll post a review soon - and it ain't good), and the engineer had a look for a problem but couldn't find anything wrong. Anybody else had a similar issue?

    Why can't I have a TV that can create noise I want (TV sound) and NOTHING else? why should I have to put up with a TV that makes all this unwanted noise? (I've already had one replacement due to the speaker noise, which has not gone but is better that it was). Why pay good money for a TV with good speakers if they don't perform? why should I turn the speaker off?.

    I've heard the usual testing about B&O TV's (it still works at -100 degrees, it can survive at 20,000 lighting strike, etc, etc). Why does it not work properly in my bedroom? In a car-sense it seems like building a car that can go through the the roughest off-road terrain, and yet it is close to crap when it comes to use on the normal road (where it will spend 99.9% of it's time).

    My faith in B&O is at it's lowest point for a while. I think the BV6 was a turkey in the product line which is why it didn't last too long..........still they have replaced it with a gem in the BC6 + DAB..........(no wait that is not true)............No the true TV gem is the BV8 + Analogue tuner!!!...............I remember as a child watching the Muppets on TV, I used to wonder what happened to them, I think they now work for B&O.


  • 08-23-2007 12:24 AM In reply to

    • Dave
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    Re: BV6 26" + Another Noise = Rant

    Ah, so that's where the muppets are now! lol Stick out tongue

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  • 08-23-2007 1:23 AM In reply to

    Re: BV6 26" + Another Noise = Rant

    Did you already inform your dealer or B&O about this problem? I would do it, I'm sure they will help you out somehow.
  • 08-23-2007 1:08 PM In reply to

    Re: BV6 26" + Another Noise = Rant

    If you have to be closer then 1 meter, before hearing the noise the TV has no fault, The Smps in the LCD panel makes some noise, and the fan a Little. if you hear noise from 1+ meter the TV makes more noise then it should, the same with active speakers thy all make noise up close
  • 08-23-2007 3:45 PM In reply to

    • Mike
    • Not Ranked
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    Re: BV6 26" + Another Noise = Rant


    My BV6 26" has now developed another noise, this time from the back of the TV. If you stand over the TV and look down at the light (the back of the LCD panel) through the vents, you can hear it clearly. It's doesn't happen immediatley after it is turned on, sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. If not sure if it is an electrical buzz, or a fan (you have to turn the TV off, and then back on again to make it disappear). It's only been present for the last few months.

    I've recently had the DVB-T module fitted (I'll post a review soon - and it ain't good), and the engineer had a look for a problem but couldn't find anything wrong. Anybody else had a similar issue?

    Hi Ian,

    it seems to be the cooling fan. I can hear the fan in my BV6-26 if I stand close to the TV (but only barely audible). If you can hear it from a distance, I'd guess that either fan itself is broken, or something (a cable?) got caught in the fan when the DVB-T module was fitted.




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