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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-21-2008 12:41 AM by wongss. 41 replies.
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  • 07-29-2007 7:11 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !


    I would just buy a new SMMC1  and send it to you when I got it. Straight swap and I live in the UK so there are no other taxes. However if Soundsmith are being so reasonable, I would go with them. They are a super company and each cartridge is handmade. I have a SMMC20EN, which I bought from a member who needed the money at cost price and have been perfectly happy with it. I was just seeing if there was a way to avoid you losing too much money but it would seem that Soundsmith are sorting that out for you.

    How much are you willing to pay for my cartridge ?   Mine is more expensive than yours, so I would expect the difference in my PayPal account.  :)

    If you think that your SMMC1 will be better than a hand-made SOUNDSMITH's or of the same quality,  you can send me yours.

    Otherwise I will sell you mine and I will buy a new SMMC1 from SOUNDSMITH.

    Waiting for your offer,




  • 07-30-2007 2:09 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    I think it best if you deal directly with Soundsmith. I think it will be much easier and if they will give you a refund on the 20CL+, you will probably be better off. I was offering to buy a new SMMC1 for you and simply swap it for the CL+ when it looked as though you would get no refund. If this is not the case then there is no sense in complicating the issue. I already have a large number of cartridges so don't need another. Just trying to be helpful but it would seem that Soundsmith have already done that.

    Best wishes, 

  • 07-30-2007 7:25 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Thank you very much !

    I am waiting Soundsmith's answer to send my cartridge, refund me, and then send me the new one.

    I hope everything will be ok. then...   If it isn't,  I will have you to help me and I'll do what you said, will you ? 

    So I have two 2 solutions to my problem ! Smile 

    Thank you Peter !  Smile 


  • 07-30-2007 7:43 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Of course! I am sure Soundsmith will come up trumps though. They are a super company and deserve a lot of credit for maintaining a supply of cartridges to those of us who love Beograms. We are happy to link to their site as we feel that such effort deserves recognition. Still think they should make a silver SMMC 20 though! Smile
  • 07-31-2007 4:16 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Hi Peter  !  

    I wrote several time to Soundsmith these past days, but I have not heard of them.....  (in order to send them the cartridge and send me the correct model as they wrote.....)

    Do you think that they are on holidays or ....  ?

    In case I dont hear them in August will you be interested still to do the swap you told me ?

    Thanks so much for all your kind and prompt replies  Smile





  • 07-31-2007 4:57 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    I would like to buy a Beogram 1700/ MMC 20EN.

    Do you think it is compatible with my SMMC20CL+  ?

    Thanks guys for your patience !   ....but please help me because as I am unemployed for three years now, this cartridge costs me a fortune, and I would not like to waste it, because I think it is very good  Smile


  • 07-31-2007 5:08 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    That one will be compatible. However I would seriously consider a better turntable if you have the chance. A 4002 would be my one of choice. Very sturdy and pure B&O. Give Soundsmith a chance!
  • 07-31-2007 5:32 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    ok ! 

    I have to find a very cheap though !    Do you think I should take care of something with A 4002's cartridges or are they all the same worldwide ?

  • 08-05-2007 5:44 PM In reply to

    VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    I will probably buy today a Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Record Player Tangential - Type 5521.


    It says it has a MMC 20 CL.

    Is it compatible with my SMMC20CL+ ?

  • 08-05-2007 5:51 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Yes - I saw that one - looks nice. Pay extra to have it very well packaged. The platter should be taken off and taped to the base and the arm supported with foam. Lots of bubble wrap and polystyrene chips and double boxed. These are fragile decks and break easily.

    Best wishes,


  • 08-05-2007 6:03 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Thanks !  Smile

    I will tell you the results.  Otherwise I will send the cartridge to Soundsmith...




  • 08-06-2007 3:12 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Hello !


    I just bought the Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Plattenspieler, Typ 5521.


    I hope the cartridge fits...   A big than you to you all for your support Smile


    In case I have a problem with the cartridge I will write again !!!



  • 08-06-2007 3:41 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    It will fit! I have a SMMC20 fitted to a 4004 next to me. I am sure you will like the deck - a real B&O classic. The cartrisge is a tight fit - but that is good! Be careful not to break the small brass contact at the bottom of the arm.
  • 08-06-2007 4:11 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Thanks  Smile


    A B&O technician will do the installation after his August holidays.


    I hope everything will be OK.   I did all this, to buy a new turntable,  as I was very much afraid that if I would send my expensive cartridge to US it would probably be lost....


    Is this a wise thing I did ? 

  • 08-06-2007 4:57 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Assuming it arrives in good condition, and it is as good as described, very definitely! One of the best decks B&O ever made.
  • 08-06-2007 5:09 PM In reply to

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Thank you very much for all your kind correspondence  Smile


    If I have problems,  I will ask for your generous help again...  !




  • 11-21-2008 12:41 AM In reply to

    • wongss
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 09-03-2007
    • Posts 9
    • Bronze Member

    Re: VERY URGENT !!! Re: BEOGRAM 1700 problem with SMMC20 Soundsmith cartridge !

    Dear all,

    I'm new to this B&O 4002. Need soem guidance / advice form you all.

    I have a beogram 4002 but encounter some problem as below:

    1) when presss "start" button, the arm will move to the center of the LP and the motor for the arm won't stop (keep running). It will on stop when i press "down/play" Since the arm at center i can't play music, i have to press ">" button to move the arm to the LP to start playing.

    2) The worse part is that while playing music, the arm is static , it will not move, thus the song is keep repeating theat the same track...

    any ideoa of the problem? anybody have the manual for this 4002?

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