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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-27-2012 2:34 PM by beobeetle. 2 replies.
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  • 02-27-2012 2:13 PM

    Beomaster 8000

    Hello Beoworlders,

    Apologize, that I post something when I have some question, but I have not so much experiense as a technicianUnsure

    Recently I bought Beomaster 8000 in very good condition with very small cosmetic issues...I couldn't resist...

    Now starting wondering-it is very big, but I can find a place, but is it worth byung such huge equipment? Now I have to look for good speakers...and another one dillema-which one? Another one set of Pentas or to look for BV MS 150???

    My idea is to couple 8000 with record player, but I think BG 8000 will be very difficult to find? I have BG 2402, is it worth to couple with 8000?

    What about CD?

    Please, any advices will be very appreciated. I promised some time ago to post pictures of my setups, hopefuly very soon I'll do.





  • 02-27-2012 2:20 PM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: Beomaster 8000

    VOX Pentas, M150's, MS150's RL140's / RL7000 S120's would all be happy with the 8000. A Beogram 8000, 8002 would be nice but tbh any of the non line level decks would be fine. How about a CDX / CDX2 for your cd source?


  • 02-27-2012 2:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 8000

    Thanks for your reply. I was wondering about these speakers, but was not sure. As for CD-hopefuly I can find CDX or CDX2 with good condition.

    I've heard BM 8000 could be clasified like a Hi-End amplifier, is it true? I would like to use it without any filters and controls builded as I like flat, natural sound.

    Currently I enjoy my system 5500 and BC 9500, but I hope BM 8000 will give me better sound.

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