I recently acquired a BeoCenter 7000. The first thing I did was turn on the turntable. It has a new MMC20E, and the turntable sounded great. Then, I tried the tape deck. I heard some whirring, but it seemed like maybe the belts were broken, as the tape didn't move at all. The heads engaged and then disengaged. After about 10 seconds, I smelled what I think was some component smoking. Argh!! I unplugged it, waitied a minute, and then plugged it back in. Now, the record player won't work, the tape deck still doesn't work, and the radio doesn't work!!
Yikes! Anyone have an idea of what could have happened? I feel like maybe I fryed some component in the tape deck and that screwed up the whole thing. I'm trying to figure out if I should take it in for repair (I know a good local shop that repaired by BeoGram 8002), or just sell the basically unused MMC20E and cut my losses.
Thanks in advance.