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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-12-2012 1:33 PM by Chris. 10 replies.
02-10-2012 2:47 AM

- Joined on 08-13-2007
- Posts 101

Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
Current setup: BeoVision 10-46 (grey speaker cover, AR, motorized stand) with Apple TV 2 (FireCore), Sony BDP-S780, Mac Mini, BeoLab 11 (silver), Beo5, BeoSound 8 (red speaker covers). Accessories: A8 Earphones, wine bottle coasters.
B&O product history, in chronological order since 1990, after the onset of the treaded BeoVirus (I tend to upgrade/change my setup "infrequently"): BeoSystem 2500 (with blue speaker covers), BeoLink 5000, BeoSystem 7000 (complete; silver/black), BeoLink 7000, RedLine 60.2, BeoVox Penta, BeoVision MX4000 (black, motorized floor stand), BeoCord VX5000 (black), BeoSystem 4500 (complete), BeoCenter 9500, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoVision Avant (original, 28" AR, VHS, green), BeoCenter 2300, BeoVision 3-32 (grey speaker frame, AR, motorised cabinet), DVD1 (grey), BeoCord V8000 (grey), Beo4, BeoSound Ouverture (w/ floor cabinet stand), BeoVision Avant RF (grey, 32", AR, VHS), BeoSound 9000, BeoCenter AV5 (blue), BeoVision 1 (yellow, motorized floor stand), Beo1, BeoSound Century (yellow), BeoCenter 1 (blue, AR, motorized floor stand), BeoSound 1 (silver, floor stand), BeoVision Avant RF DVD (grey, 32", AR), BeoVision 7-32 MkI (AR, motorized floor stand), BeoLab 3 (black), BeoSound 2, BeoVision 10-40 (grey speaker cover, AR, motorized stand).

- Joined on 12-15-2008
- London
- Posts 90

Re: Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
Now that did actually make me smile!!!

- Joined on 08-13-2007
- Posts 101

Re: Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
Doing my best to keep the "entertainment" going ;)
Current setup: BeoVision 10-46 (grey speaker cover, AR, motorized stand) with Apple TV 2 (FireCore), Sony BDP-S780, Mac Mini, BeoLab 11 (silver), Beo5, BeoSound 8 (red speaker covers). Accessories: A8 Earphones, wine bottle coasters.
B&O product history, in chronological order since 1990, after the onset of the treaded BeoVirus (I tend to upgrade/change my setup "infrequently"): BeoSystem 2500 (with blue speaker covers), BeoLink 5000, BeoSystem 7000 (complete; silver/black), BeoLink 7000, RedLine 60.2, BeoVox Penta, BeoVision MX4000 (black, motorized floor stand), BeoCord VX5000 (black), BeoSystem 4500 (complete), BeoCenter 9500, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoVision Avant (original, 28" AR, VHS, green), BeoCenter 2300, BeoVision 3-32 (grey speaker frame, AR, motorised cabinet), DVD1 (grey), BeoCord V8000 (grey), Beo4, BeoSound Ouverture (w/ floor cabinet stand), BeoVision Avant RF (grey, 32", AR, VHS), BeoSound 9000, BeoCenter AV5 (blue), BeoVision 1 (yellow, motorized floor stand), Beo1, BeoSound Century (yellow), BeoCenter 1 (blue, AR, motorized floor stand), BeoSound 1 (silver, floor stand), BeoVision Avant RF DVD (grey, 32", AR), BeoVision 7-32 MkI (AR, motorized floor stand), BeoLab 3 (black), BeoSound 2, BeoVision 10-40 (grey speaker cover, AR, motorized stand).

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Re: Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
Blackrix:I am selling my Bang & Olufsen and am going to buy me a nice new Quad system, good old British equipment........ 
There is only one real solution ... DO IT YOURSELF
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-20-2009
- Posts 975

Re: Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
Now being developed:
BlackrixVision 1
BlackrixLab 1
BlackrixSound 1
Designed, developed and made in Holland!


- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
- Posts 5,808

Re: Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
there, done that... As a kid, I used to live near Lahti and its LW
station with a 200 kW transmitter. Some 15 km away, you could still
drive a small speaker directly from a crystal receiver.
Sadly, the
station was closed in 1993, but the 150 m antenna towers built in 1927
are still there. Under them, a fluorescent light tube would light up by


- Joined on 03-19-2010
- Corbridge, UK
- Posts 353

Re: Bang and Olufsen Outsourced, part II
In aviation we still routinely use these LW stations, with ours being based in Stockholm. They can be accessed anywhere in the world and we can even have a telephone conversation with say our operations departments whilst enroute. Normally when out of touch on VHF, if we need to be contacted we have whats called SELCAL. You check in before going off to the Canaries for example with Shannon Radio(LW), and if they need you they can selectively call(SEL CAL) you with some chimes and lights alerts on the flight deck.
We use the airframe as the transmitter, and have to tune it in before transmitting!
A Beovision 10-40 in black and red fret on order, Beo4, Beo6, many A8's, a pair of white and yellow Form 2's, Beocom 4, 28 inch Avant RF DVD, Apple TV and a wife that loves this stuff as much as i do!
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