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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-04-2012 3:28 AM by stotty1111. 13 replies.
02-01-2012 5:40 PM

- Joined on 09-10-2009
- dublin
- Posts 130

Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
Hi Guys,
Can anyone enlighten me as to the difference between the BeoVision 6-26 and the BeoCentre 6-26?
Which is/was the more expensive?
BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

- Joined on 12-29-2008
- Rochdale
- Posts 367

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
Hi Paul,
Probably easier to read about the differences BV6 v. BC6 yourself on the products page.
In case you havn't been there before, just click on the Main Site at the top, go into products, and select them from the drop down boxes.
www.beocentral.com also gives a good write up on most b&o products too.
BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500
BS 7000, BS 5500
Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2, RL 35, CX-100 Alu
BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500, BL 5000, Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

- Joined on 05-03-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 1,164

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
I'm pretty sure the only difference is the inclusion of a radio in the BC6, and you paid more for the privelidge
My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

- Joined on 06-29-2007
- Posts 150

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
I'm pretty sure the only difference is the inclusion of a radio in the BC6, and you paid more for the privelidge
The last bv6 where a much better set with HDMI and an improved panel.
Follow the advice in bentleymans post

- Joined on 12-31-2007
- Cheshire, UK
- Posts 323

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
To pre-empt any confusion.
BeoVision6 26 was originally launched with a fabric loudspeaker grill. When the set had a radio tuner fitted and became BeoCentre 6 the speak grill was aluminium.
Subsequently the radio tuner was removed and the set reverted to the BeoVision6 pre fix however retained the aluminium speaker grill. It is worth taking note as unless you know which version of BeoVision6 you talking about, the age and specification will be wildly different.

- Joined on 12-16-2007
- UK / France - Nth Worcestershire/Finistere
- Posts 924

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
New bv6-26 are now about(boxed) for around £1700 - no stand or remote though
I always try to operate using/following the KISS principle -- Keep it simple stupid!

- Joined on 07-18-2011
- Italy
- Posts 15

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
Asked the same thing about Beovision 6-22 VS Becenter 6-23 months ago
...for sure the Becenters (the 6-23 and the 6-26) were (way) more expensive than their Beovision counterpart;and apart of DAB radio and different panel,also other colours were available !
I'm an owner of a Black/Aluminium 6-22; and you know what?
I find the Gold Grille on the 6-23 much more beautiful :)
I think that the same thing is between the Beovision 6-26 vs the Beocenter 6-26.....

- Joined on 09-10-2009
- dublin
- Posts 130

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
well thanks a lot guys - I had a look Bentleyman at that info page - thanks.
very interesting. Reason i ask is that I have beoCENTRE 6-26, and i paid Euro 4950 in May 2008. I wanted a TV for my bedroom, but cos im linked, i can access the radio and CD's on my Beosound 9000, so in fact i have never played the in-built radio. i also access the DVD on my BV7-40 through it when i want to watch a DVD in bed!!
Its a bit disappointing in terms of not being HD ready - after all, at that time in 2008, every piece of S*** on the market was HD ready or full HD.
I have it in my bedroom and use Beolabs 8000's as additional speakers. it sounds really good. Im just wondering (maybe naively!!lol) why I was not offered the BVision 6-26 at 1/2 the price. I guess it would have done just as good a job, but with the bonus of a better tv in the BV26?
probably my own fault though, as I probably saw it in shop n just said I wanted one and didnt better explore the options open to me. To be honest, at that time, i was not aware of distinction between BV 6-26 and BC 6-26.
stll, i feel a bit of regret i spent almost 5K on an 'average' TV.
BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

- Joined on 11-01-2007
- Posts 84

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
Hi Paul, all BeoCenter 6 tvs are HD ready, they have DVI and component inputs and run up to 720p I believe

- Joined on 01-13-2009
- UK
- Posts 34

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
To add to this, the original Beovision 6-26 had a 15:9 screen and was not "HD-ready". The replacement, Beocentre 6-26, had a proper 16:9 screen, was "HD-ready" as standard ( DVI ), and could be fitted with a module of choice, radio ( FM or DAB ) or Freeview tuner, and therefore more expensive. The final incarnation, Beovision 6-26 again, dropped the radio options but had Freeview as standard plus of course the much needed HDMI. To add icing to the cake, the final production units were heavilly discounted, but of course "when the've gone the've gone".

- Joined on 09-10-2009
- dublin
- Posts 130

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
MartinW:Hi Paul, all BeoCenter 6 tvs are HD ready, they have DVI and component inputs and run up to 720p I believe
ahhh martin - thnanks - i didnt realise this..i guess i assumed cos it was only 720p it was not HD ready.
Can i ask then, if it is HD ready, why do i not get better reception on HD channels like on my Beovision 7-40....when i flick between BBC1 HD and thre normal BBC1, i see no discernable difference....however, on my Beovision 7-40, its a huge difference.
what does this HD 720p ready mean in that case? how can i get better image on BBC1 HD....
BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

- Joined on 09-10-2009
- dublin
- Posts 130

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
MartinW:Hi Paul, all BeoCenter 6 tvs are HD ready, they have DVI and component inputs and run up to 720p I believe
ahhh martin - thnanks - i didnt realise this..i guess i assumed cos it was only 720p it was not HD ready.
Can i ask then, if it is HD ready, why do i not get better reception on HD channels like on my Beovision 7-40....when i flick between BBC1 HD and thre normal BBC1, i see no discernable difference....however, on my Beovision 7-40, its a huge difference.
what does this HD 720p ready mean in that case? how can i get better image on BBC1 HD....
BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

- Joined on 06-29-2007
- Posts 150

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
Is the stb connected directly to the bc6, or are you watching sources connected to the 7-40 via the rf link?
If you are watching in a link room then the picture is downscaled and sent over rf. you will see no difference between ad and hd channels.
If you have a D tuner connected locally to the 6-26, then you need to make sure it's connected via dvi. To be honest, even if it is, you are unlikely to notice a difference between ad and hd unless you are sitting about 3 feet from the screen.
Maybe a call to your dealer to explain how it's been set up, and see if it can be altered in some way so you feel like you are getting more from it.

- Joined on 12-16-2007
- UK / France - Nth Worcestershire/Finistere
- Posts 924

Re: Beovision 6-26 V.s BeoCentre 6-26
purely a function of panel size - i think, this has been covered previously, i have a 7-32 and there is also little difference picture wise (on satellite transmission)
Told by BnO Shrewsbury 3 years ago HD comes into its own with larger panels ie above 32"
I always try to operate using/following the KISS principle -- Keep it simple stupid!
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