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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-03-2012 1:04 PM by Blackrix. 9 replies.
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  • 02-01-2012 3:16 PM

    Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    I’m really hoping someone can help, and I hope I can explain this clearly…


    I have a BV7 40 Mk 2, with a 7.1 centre speaker and beolab 4 (front) and beolab 6000 (rear).  I have a Sky HD+ box and an Apple TV connected to the TV


    Since moving and re-connecting the sky box, I can hear Absolute radio coming through the front and rear speaker’s very quietly regardless if the source is Sky, Apple TV or normal TV. 


    I have absolutely no idea how or why the speakers are picking up the radio, it’s very weird.


    It’s almost like the speakers themselves are picking up the radio station!!


    Any clues?




  • 02-01-2012 3:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    First disconnect the Sky HD+ Box and the Apple TV from your BV7 and check if it still happens. Is there any other equipment connected to your BV7?

  • 02-01-2012 3:51 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    You don't mention an audio system,  if you had one, its sounds like "crosstalk" - which is when you hear an audio source at a low level even when it isn't selected.   Do you have an audio system - if so, unplug it & see if the sound stops.

    Potentially you could also get crosstalk from any source in a system - so if you have a dvbT tuner on your beovision that you dont use ( as you have sky) select it and see if it is on that channel.  Bit of a longshot, but possible.

    However, assuming there isn't an audio system, or a "dormant" tuner set to radio - it sounds like a shielding issue on the cables and your system is picking up RF interference - unusual to find it in a system like yours though.  That would require searching for a problem withthe sheidling/maybe improving the earthing or at worst re-cabling.

    Bit of a process of elimination required - firstly if you have anything set to absolute radio ( even if you think its off/don't use it)  , then maybe a full or partial re-cable.




  • 02-01-2012 5:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    Thanks to both for your replies, will follow the advice and report back. 


    No other sources except the normal tv aerial. 

  • 02-01-2012 6:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!


    However, assuming there isn't an audio system, or a "dormant" tuner set to radio - it sounds like a shielding issue on the cables and your system is picking up RF interference

    Right! Most likely it's the "older" Powerlink cables that are used in your setup, which are not shielded enough and works as an antenna.

  • 02-01-2012 6:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    I had a simelar problem with an installation recently. When the customer paused his sky he could hear the local radio station.

    It turned out to be the UHF aerial picking up the station. It was resolved by fitting a filter to the input of the aerial.


  • 02-02-2012 4:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    Last night I unplugged everything one thing at a time and finally discovered that it is the rear speakers picking the radio signal.  With nothing apart from the speakers connected to the TV I could hear the radio via any source TV, DTV (Sky), V.Aux (Apple TV).  I also swapped them into the front speakers to check it wasn’t anything odd about being the rear speakers, which it isn’t.


    I checked the on screen menu options and no other sources have been setup, just DTV and V.Aux.


    The power link cables are pretty recent, I only moved house 8 months ago and put new cables in.


    What is a UHF filter and would it connect to the wall or TV  / Sky socket?






  • 02-03-2012 7:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    help still needed please....

  • 02-03-2012 1:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!


    Last night I unplugged everything one thing at a time and finally discovered that it is the rear speakers picking the radio signal.  With nothing apart from the speakers connected to the TV I could hear the radio via any source TV, DTV (Sky), V.Aux (Apple TV).  I also swapped them into the front speakers to check it wasn’t anything odd about being the rear speakers, which it isn’t.

    So when everything is unplugged, only the rear speakers, and the rear speakers are not the problem. What is left then? It just makes sense that the PL-cables are picking up the radio signal.

    I know you said the cables are pretty recent, but in the future setups, these cables will all be wired with CAT7. 

  • 02-03-2012 1:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Speakers picking up a radio station!!

    If you change the Powerlinkcables of the rear speakers to Front in your BeoVision (so connect the rearspeakers as front with their own cables), do you still have the problem?

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