Has anybody out there used, or is using, a Harmony remote to control their B&O equipment?
All of my B&O kit, including the TV, are shown in their compatability list, however Harmony customer support have informed me that their remotes do not emit RF, only infrared and therefore cannot control RF devices.
Here is part of their response:-
".....unfortunately Harmony remotes cannot control RF devices, all of Harmony remotes only sends IR signal to control the devices. Harmony 900 remote has an RF extenders which has the ability to control the devices that has no line of sight/ inside the cabinets, however this device still sends an IR signal."
I may be mistaken, but I always thought that B&O used RF and not infrared which, if the case, then Harmony remotes are useless with B&O, so I'm totally confused.
Can someone clarify things for me please?