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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-18-2012 2:53 PM by baileyr. 20 replies.
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  • 01-17-2012 12:56 PM

    penta 3 display

    HI all

     I have a pair of penta 3 speakers and an ouverture. last night i turned the ouverture off, both speakers auto turned off, LED's went red but 1 of the displays on a speaker froze and stayed on. The only way i could get it to turn off was to unplug the speaker, but now the display on that speaker doesnt work at all.

     I havent moved anything, all audio/ video switchs are set right, ive swopped the displays and boards with the good speaker and they work, i was just wandering if anyone has a clue why the display should stay on after the ouverture was turned off, maybe a relay?? if so where should i look??


    many thanks for any help


  • 01-17-2012 1:33 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    are they connected to a tv also?  I had penta mk1's that used to leave they displays on if I didnt select tv and then turn off after listening to music!!  But now its ok with my mk2's 

  • 01-17-2012 1:46 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    no theyre only connected to the ouverture. im thinking that its a faulty relay, maybe got stuk on which is why the display stayed on and now wont work to activate the display??

  • 01-17-2012 1:51 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    I've seen that happening on my MK3's many times. I just don't mind it so much that I would actually service them or something.



    BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2




  • 01-17-2012 2:18 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    I just don't mind it so much that I would actually service them or something.


    What....? Confused


    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-17-2012 2:55 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display


    I just don't mind it so much that I would actually service them or something.


    What....? Confused

    The problem of the display being left on, is a small problem. So small that I don't see the need to have them serviced. (Or the Beocenter, they are connected to.)



    BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2




  • 01-17-2012 3:04 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    Ok, I thought that's what you meant.

    So, what happens with the display when the unit is turned back on again? Does it resume normal functioning ok? And does the display remain on indefinately until the unit is turned back on? i.e. days, weeks, even months?

    I dont have this issue thankfully, but am just curious.



    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-17-2012 3:09 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display


    Ok, I thought that's what you meant.

    So, what happens with the display when the unit is turned back on again? Does it resume normal functioning ok? And does the display remain on indefinately until the unit is turned back on? i.e. days, weeks, even months?

    I dont have this issue thankfully, but am just curious.


    In my case, it's on a set I haven't used for years, but yes. As you say it stays on until the speaker is either unplugged from mains, or you put on the system again and it's back to normal functioning operation. Tunring it off again, might also turn of the display. Sometimes a mains disconnect is needed. 





    BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2




  • 01-17-2012 3:09 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display


    Ok, I thought that's what you meant.

    So, what happens with the display when the unit is turned back on again? Does it resume normal functioning ok? And does the display remain on indefinately until the unit is turned back on? i.e. days, weeks, even months?

    I dont have this issue thankfully, but am just curious.


    In my case, it's on a set I haven't used for years, but yes. As you say it stays on until the speaker is either unplugged from mains, or you put on the system again and it's back to normal functioning operation. Tunring it off again, might also turn of the display. Sometimes a mains disconnect is needed. 





    BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2




  • 01-17-2012 3:11 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    i my case it just never came back on. Any one else thinking sticky relay??

  • 01-17-2012 3:55 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    Unplug everything from the mains for "a minute or so." Then, plug in the Overture first, then the speakers.  Should be ok.



  • 01-17-2012 4:09 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    i've left the speakers unplugged for a couple of hours, unplugged the ouverture for 10 mins, plugged back int overture then both speakers and still no display on one speaker.

  • 01-17-2012 5:57 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display


    Is everything else with the speaker working normally? E.g. is the sound normal coming from the speaker? Is the speaker going to standby as it should? Is the red/green indicator light working correctly?

    Perhaps there could be a slight loose connection with the display itself if everything else works as normal. Could try taking the cover off and just having a play about...

    I've never heard of a display actually breaking down but I guess they could do, in which case a replacement display would be in order...

    I'm not technical enough to know myself, but hopefully some on here does.



    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-18-2012 3:56 AM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    In Pentas, the displays work completely independently from the amplifier part (they share the same mains transformer, but really nothing else). The displays are also powered on (technically, not visibly) all the time while the speaker is plugged into mains. There's a separate 40 mA mains fuse, but that circuit also powers the standby part of the amp - if the speaker itself turns on and works, there's nothing wrong with that.

    Now either

    • the display doesn't receive power - the fault can be in a transformer winding (unlikely) or in the wiring & connectors between the amp & display. You should have 10 VAC coming up between pins 2 & 3.
    • the display doesn't receive data (which could also cause it to not turn off, when it doesn't see the STANDBY command) - same wiring problem as above, or a problem in your speaker cables, or in the audio/video mode switch in the speaker
    • the display itself is faulty - you don't replace it, you get it repaired (they don't make these any more you know...)
    • Penta 3 seems to have another fuse on the display module itself (can't see why it would give up & blow, though).

    I'm quite sceptical of something getting loose or shorted inside the speaker just by chance if you don't even move them around. One likely problem is a short / open in the Powerlink cabling, disabling the data connection. Pinched by a chair leg recently perhaps?

    The display module has a couple of capacitors which I hear are sometimes bad. More likely in an old pair than a 3.


  • 01-18-2012 5:19 AM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    if i ignor the display not working everything works exactly as it should. the display (2 x cicuit boards) are good as i swaped them with the good speaker and it works as it should.

    I sort of ruled out the cable as i used a brand new one after the fault happend, but then even new ones can  be faulty, so i will swop with the known good one.

    But if this doesnt work i'm gonna just strip them both down and start swopping parts.

    I'll post an update if and when i find the problem part.


    thanks to all for the info/help

  • 01-18-2012 9:55 AM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: penta 3 display

    plug between base / tower?


  • 01-18-2012 10:31 AM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    that was looking promising as the cables had been squashed abit so i rewired the damaged parts.

    The problem is definatly somewhere in the base as i swoped it over with the good one. Ive put a  link in to make doubley sure its not the fuses, swopped the front circuit board (with the swithes) still nothing. Checked the audio/video switch has continuity and works.

    on the good speaker im getting 6v (i think) between brown and blue(??) at the plug that conects to the rear circuit board for the display but on the faulty one  im getting 0.1v, so next guess would be a resistor maybe?

  • 01-18-2012 10:47 AM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    on the good speaker im getting 6v (i think) between brown and blue(??) at the plug that conects to the rear circuit board for the display but on the faulty one  im getting 0.1v, so next guess would be a resistor maybe?

    I have no idea of the colours of the wiring, but the DIN connectors are numbered as they always are (possibly molded in plastic beside the pins as well). The supply to the display modules comes up in pins 2 & 3 (there was an error in my above post). And it's AC, not DC.

    And there are actually two separate mains transformers, the smaller one supplies the standby circuit (which is working for you) and the display from another winding. If you have isolated the fault in one of the amplifier modules, it really can't be much else than the wiring / connectors to the display, or a faulty standby transformer.


  • 01-18-2012 1:19 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    right ive had it apart again, checked all coninuity from the 6pin display plug to the base and all wiring is good. Ive got 12v at pins 2 & 3 and traced them back to the transformer to confirm, still nothing...

  • 01-18-2012 2:27 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    OK, so the display apparently works and has power... I believe it's time to try and find where the data gets lost then.

    This is unfortunately a bit more involved (and difficult without the service manual) as there are some active electronics in between. What you might do is check the solderings of the Powerlink socket in the bottom of the amp - I presume you're using that since you have an Ouverture.


  • 01-18-2012 2:53 PM In reply to

    Re: penta 3 display

    Now this is bloody wierd

     the first thing i swoped with the good speaker were the displays and they both definatly worked with the good speaker.

     I swoped the base's over and only the good speakers base powerd BOTH displays. So after some rewiring and continuity checks i put everything back together but still no display in the 1 speaker.

     ive now swoped the displays again and the display out of the good speaker now works on the  faulty one but not the other way round.

     By swoping the pcb's ive now got it down to the rear circuit board from the display (must have damaged something with all the taking apart)

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