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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-07-2012 10:31 PM by mediabobny. 13 replies.
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  • 01-06-2012 5:01 PM

    Beolab 6000

    Hello there,

    Would anyone know how i can remove tape marks from my beolab 6000s where the previous owner taped the frets onto the body. There isnt any sticky residue, just 2 marks where the top and bottom of the tape were. 


    Your help would be much appreciated as this has been bugging me for a while.



  • 01-06-2012 6:31 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    Hi Ronnie,

    Just use a little metal polish on them, such as Brasso/Duraglit or even some Autoglym metal polish (intended for car chrome).

    I've also read about a metal polish on beoworld called 'Autosol cleaner' which I'm sure would be fine too.



    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-06-2012 6:48 PM In reply to

    • Dennis
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    Re: Beolab 6000


    Hi Ronnie,

    Just use a little metal polish on them, such as Brasso/Duraglit or even some Autoglym metal polish (intended for car chrome).

    I've also read about a metal polish on beoworld called 'Autosol cleaner' which I'm sure would be fine too.



    Please DON'T! If you try to polish them, you will destroy the anodization! - And that will ruin the finish completely! Do only clean the speakers as recommended in the manual:

    - Dennis

    I was borned with a Beolink 1000 in my hand!

    Ever seen a Beomaster 6001? I have one! Look here.

    Main system: Beovision AV9000, Beocenter 2300, Beosystem 3500, Beolab Penta MKIII, Beolab 3000, Beogram 6500, Beolink 1000, Beolink 5000, Beolink 7000

    Wish list: Beolab 2,

  • 01-06-2012 8:46 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    Please DON'T! If you try to polish them, you will destroy the anodization! - And that will ruin the finish completely!


    Hi Dennis,

    Apologies, I've just realised that I was thinking about the stainless steel finish on Beolab Penta's.

    I've cleaned the metal on my Penta's with 'Brasso' numerous times and they come up like new. I also remember reading a thread quite recently about the use of 'Autosol Cleaner' - perhaps this was in relation to the Penta's also.....?

    The type of metal finish on the 6000's etc. I assume is very different and metal polish should not be used...? I had a pair of 6000's for years - but can never remember cleaning them! apart from regular dusting that is.

    My apologies to Ronnie!! Embarrassed best just using a damp cloth on your 6000's then, I stand corrected! lol


    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-06-2012 9:33 PM In reply to

    • Dennis
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    Re: Beolab 6000

    @Michael (Bentleyman)

    We all make mistakes sometimes - It's just good that we have each other to say stop before it is (could be) too late. Smile It is also a benefit having people from so many parts of the world on this site - There is always someone awake and online! Wink

    AFAIK are the stainless stell panels on the Pentas protected with clearcoat. I have always used a product made especially for stainless steel on my Penta's - It cleans and protects, but as the Pentas are clearcoated I don't really think, that it matters on them with the extra protection... Smile When you use the Brasso, is it then turning black when you polish? I tried to polish the stainless steel panel on a scrathed Beolink 7000 I have, but nothing happened. My father then told me that he seems to remember, that it also it protected with clearcoat.

    The Beolab 6000's are made of aluminium, and they are anodized. The different colours you see on fx Beolab 6000's, 8000's, 1's, 4000's and so on is the anodized (Wiki Link) surface.

    - Dennis

    I was borned with a Beolink 1000 in my hand!

    Ever seen a Beomaster 6001? I have one! Look here.

    Main system: Beovision AV9000, Beocenter 2300, Beosystem 3500, Beolab Penta MKIII, Beolab 3000, Beogram 6500, Beolink 1000, Beolink 5000, Beolink 7000

    Wish list: Beolab 2,

  • 01-07-2012 7:42 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    When you use the Brasso, is it then turning black when you polish? I tried to polish the stainless steel panel on a scrathed Beolink 7000 I have, but nothing happened. My father then told me that he seems to remember, that it also it protected with clearcoat.


    Hello Dennis,

    Yes, the brasso polish stuff does tend to turn a darker colour when used. Depending on how dirty the object is I think. When polishing my Penta's with, it went a darker colour and removed the usual fingerprint marks as intended, but as the speaker cabinets were not 'very' dirty to begin with, the Brasso didnt turn black exactly, just a slightly darker shade. I then used a damp cloth to wipe and buff up the panels.

    As for the plate on a BL7000, I have never tried polish on that, I'm not sure the chrome touch plate on a BL7000 is the same surface as the Pentas body....? 



    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-07-2012 11:20 AM In reply to

    • Dennis
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    Re: Beolab 6000

    As for the plate on a BL7000, I have never tried polish on that, I'm not sure the chrome touch plate on a BL7000 is the same surface as the Pentas body....?


    Hmm... The service manual does only say 'Top plate'...  I have always just heard it mentioned as 'the steel plate'... Could someone help here? Smile

    - Dennis

    I was borned with a Beolink 1000 in my hand!

    Ever seen a Beomaster 6001? I have one! Look here.

    Main system: Beovision AV9000, Beocenter 2300, Beosystem 3500, Beolab Penta MKIII, Beolab 3000, Beogram 6500, Beolink 1000, Beolink 5000, Beolink 7000

    Wish list: Beolab 2,

  • 01-07-2012 11:51 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    Yes, top plate, steel plate, touch plate, I've heard it referred to all these as well.

    I think the BL7000's top/touch plate is of a more mirrored, super shiny, chrome surface plate, whereas the Penta's stainless steel panels are not intended to be quite as shiny and flawless as this. Still shiny yes, but not quite as mirrored finish as the BL7000's plate.... 

    If you look at the Penta's stainless steel very very closely you will see a sort of grain in the actual metal surface, whereas the BL's touch plate is intended to be a flawless chromium finish, like glass of a mirror.

    Perhaps someone can clarify further...?





    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-07-2012 2:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    Thanks everyone for your help and i shant use any abrasives on my speakers, but what should i use instead, that wouldnt ruin the finish?

    And yes Bentleyman the finish is like a mirror

  • 01-07-2012 3:56 PM In reply to

    • Hungedu
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    Re: Beolab 6000

    To remove the old tape marks, you might try using a non-abrasive, liquid car wax on a micro fiber cloth. A small dab is all you should try. This should dissolve the old tape residue without wearing down the clearcoat over the aluminum finish. Don't rub too hard, but just enough to get the marks off. You should treat the surface of a BL-6000 speaker like that of a clearcoat finish on an exotic sports car.


    BeoVision 7-55 3D, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound 8, BeoLab 7-6, BeoLab Penta III, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 2, LC-1, BeoTime (analog clock), Form 1 headphones, Beo 4 remote.


  • 01-07-2012 5:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000


    And yes Bentleyman the finish is like a mirror


    Yes Ronnie, I had a pair of BL6000's from 1994 to 2007. The appearance of them is the best thing about them. Sound wise, they are ok as rear speakers, but I didnt think they were good enough as main/only speakers.


    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-07-2012 5:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    Nice, they are very good fronts now as i put extra dampening foam inside them as they made a horrible noise on bass notes with any sort of music now they sound in my opinion, nicer than the 8000s, eg: i was watching top gear on them when they went to india and the sound was incredible, and you could really feel the sound too. i think b&o should put more dampening foam in their speakers to improve the sound they they made before i added more.

  • 01-07-2012 7:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000

    Thats sounds great Ronnie, well done Smile

    Yes, that Top Gear in India episode was a good one Big Smile




    BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500

    BS 7000, BS 5500

    Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2,  RL 35, CX-100 Alu

    BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500,  BL 5000,  Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

  • 01-07-2012 10:31 PM In reply to

    • mediabobny
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    Re: Beolab 6000

    Not sure if Goo Gone is available in your area.  It will remove sticky tape residue as well as residue that has dried.  It's a natural citrus-based solvent, so I wouldn't think it would harm the finish.

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