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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-03-2012 3:47 AM by beowild. 4 replies.
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  • 01-01-2012 4:25 PM

    AUX input on a Beocenter 2300


    Just bought a AUX cable for christmas to my parents for use in they'r BO-system. The cable was a 3,5 mm pin in one end, and a plug to put in the Beocenter 2300 in the other.

    I have:

    Found the correct slot, and put the BeoCenter 2300 into AUX.

    I have not:

    Programmed the Beo4 remote for use with AUX, i wanted just to trie it manually on the Beo Center first. (have seen som info regarding this).

    My problem is:

    I cannot controll the sound-level directly on the BeoCenter. I can only controll the sound on the mp3-player/ipod/ipad/etc. And it seems like the Beocenter set itself to an extreme high sound-level. So if i would put in a mp3-player and forget to turn down the volume on it(which i will), it would be an un-plesant experience for both me and the speakers :)

    Any ways to make the BeoCenter act like a normal Aux slot, were you set the output on the mp3-player high, and controll the volume directly on the BeoCenter. (later to make this work with the remote)

    Any help is deeply appreciated!



  • 01-02-2012 2:30 AM In reply to

    Re: AUX input on a Beocenter 2300

    Hi and welcome to beoworld!

    My first idea was that there is an optional RIAA Amplifier installed, but in the service manual there is no such option. Is it possible that you have a very high sound volume programmed for the Beocenter? What sound volume do you see when you switch to AUX?

    Best regards


  • 01-02-2012 10:25 AM In reply to

    Re: AUX input on a Beocenter 2300

    Thank you!

    When i switch to AUX the sound volume is set to whatever it was in the first place, but it does not reply to any changes. I can have the sound level on 02-10-20-35 and it does not change. I can only change the volum with the mp3-player. If I change the channel the soundlevel acts normal again.

    On my own Amplifier(Not beo) i have a channel called "Home Theatre bypass line level input RCA", which basically makes the amp act like a Power Amp. And the soundlevel is set to maximum, to give you the opertunity to controll the sound with a pre amp. It sort of acts the same way now with the Beocenter. ( I know the Beocenter is not a real "amp" but just to try illustrating the problem Smile

    Best regards


  • 01-02-2012 12:01 PM In reply to

    Re: AUX input on a Beocenter 2300

    What speakers are you using?  It sounds like the only answer is to have the mp3 set to '0' and then increase the volume when you want to play something.  I think that via the AUX input and with powered speakers you will only be able to control the system via the mp3 and not via the 2300.  I don't know if this is a similar problem to running powered speakers via 'line in', not powerlink as you have to be careful not to blow your speakers to bits as the volume can come on at maximum.  The output volume control in your set-up must be dictated by the AUX input (mp3) and not the Beo 2300.  Others will have a much better explanation!


    Am I ready? I was born ready!

  • 01-03-2012 3:47 AM In reply to

    Re: AUX input on a Beocenter 2300

    Hi Jan

    Here a picture from the user manual. Is it possible that you connected the mp3-player to the powerlink socket instead of the aux socket?

    (The DIN connector fits both)

    It looks to me like the active speakers are connected to the mp3 and the pre-ampifier of the beocenter, which seems to work properly, is left out.

    Good luck


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