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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 01-02-2012 2:03 PM by Rich. 10 replies.
12-31-2011 10:41 PM

- Joined on 01-01-2012
- California
- Posts 4

1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Well I am now the owner of a top of the line system of 1980...bought at Macy's for $3080.00...I orignally spied the system some time back, it was bought to be used with a pair of Electrovoice Patrician 700 speakers. At the time, I was interested in the B&O but ran out of cash, I bought a marantz system and the speakers. I just got a call the other day to pick up the B&O system, tapes and some misc equipment. So now I have it, with all the original manuals and docs. I want to restore it and mate it with some nice B&O speakers. The system has gone unused for something like 15 years, its dirty and the cabinet was sitting in front of a bright window. I think I can restore most of the cabinet, and bring the rosewood back to life. I got it all hooked up and connect a pair of telefunken speakers, it has amazing sound, reciever works fine, the turntable started working find but got stuck on the second try. I haven't tested the recorder but one button is broken and the alliuminum pulled up. Heres a quick pic of the system. Any advice or info is welcomed!
My Blog http://vintageaffair.blog.com/

- Joined on 09-14-2010
- Posts 555

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Lovely system - I have the same components. The Beomaster 4400 is the best receiver made by B&O in my opinion. Wonderful sound and superbly made. The Beogram 4004 is the last of this range of turntables and again is well made and can be serviced to get it working reliably - one of the best Beograms though cartridges are expensive to replace. The cabinet should respond to a clean and wax. The Beocord 5000 is the only true B&O cassette recorder and was way ahead of its time. However they are a nightmare to work on and the bent up keys will be a pain to fix. Do you use cassettes? If not, replace it with a Beogram CDX and you can use CDs as well!

- Joined on 07-06-2008
- Manchester
- Posts 961

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Nice catch some TLC should bring out the best of that system. Shame that the beogram lid is starting to show signs of the joints spliting. I have one like that and not aware of anything that can be done :(
Beogram will need belts and TLC which you can achieve with the download of the service manual off this site. Martin Olsen for for all spare parts including belts etc.. (member Dillen) and the 4400 might just be fine for now - Certainly deserves a good service though. I agree with Peter the 5000 is only worth restoring / repairing if you have a particular interest in that model, as they can be picked up for next to nothing. I have shelved mine for the day I find a very nice Beosystem 6000 quad :)

- Joined on 01-01-2012
- California
- Posts 4

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Do you use cassettes? If not, replace it with a Beogram CDX and you can use CDs as well!
I am not one for cassettees. I was just trying to figure out where I have one at to test it with, I am more less into records and reel to reel. I will just keep it in there for looks, may open it up just to see what it looks like insides.
My Blog http://vintageaffair.blog.com/

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
I am not one for cassettees. I was just trying to figure out where I have one at to test it with, I am more less into records and reel to reel. I will just keep it in there for looks, may open it up just to see what it looks like insides.
Welcome to Beoworld, and nice find! Which loudspeakers were you interested in?
If you want to see what the BC5000 looks like inside, check the two active threads under "The Workbench."
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 01-01-2012
- California
- Posts 4

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Welcome to Beoworld, and nice find! Which loudspeakers were you interested in?
If you want to see what the BC5000 looks like inside, check the two active threads under "The Workbench."
Thanks! I am not sure yet, I know I want something period correct and in rosewood of course. The system came with a lot of sales brochures too. So I was going to read them and see what they had to say about speakers.I really want to get it back up to spec and polished up. Just my problem is finding the space to put it, right now its my garage system Heres the speakers it was powering since it was bought.

My Blog http://vintageaffair.blog.com/

- Joined on 05-04-2007
- Posts 6,214

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Welcome from me as well!
Wonderful system!
Are you planning on keeping the EV Patricians?
I have plenty of period Beo speakers to swap if you are looking for a new home! 

- Joined on 01-01-2012
- California
- Posts 4

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Are you planning on keeping the EV Patricians?
Oh yes I am, I am not sure if I can find anything that will come close to their sound. They were are PITA to restore but well worth it. They are in my main system in my living room, I am using 2 eico HF-35 amps to power them and a Lafayette KT-600. I love my system, and the B&O will make a nice complement system. I've never really gotten into solid state but the B&O is just awesome!
My Blog http://vintageaffair.blog.com/

- Joined on 09-17-2011
- Topeka, Kansas USA
- Posts 26

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Welcome to the wonderful world of Bang & Olufsen. I have your exact system minus the cassette deck. I love the combination of the Beogram 4004 and Beomaster 4400. I have heard from many that this is the finest system from B&O. I too was looking for period correct speakers. I have my system hooked to a pair of Magneplanar MG IIIa's. They are great when you run a lot of power through them. At more modest sound levels, I have a pair of Beovox S-75's. They are great if you have them on stands or off the floor because the bass tends to be a little much when in contact with the floor. The S-75's are period-correct for your ( and my) system and are a great match with matching rosewood and classic B&O styling. I have 3 pairs of S-75's. One pair connected to my B&O 3300 system and the other pair are a restoration project. For pictures of my system, check my postings under "Vintage Products". Good luck!

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Oh yes! What a nice system! How could I say otherwise? 
I'm on my Beocord 5000 at the moment (lid not finished, phew, waiting for some parts but already working), after spending many hours restoring my Beomaster 4400 and my Beogram 4000 (well actually the longest part was restoring the lid to near-new condition).
Is your Beocord functional?
Happy New B&O Year!

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: 1980 Beocenter..4400 4004 5000
Thanks! I am not sure yet, I know I want something period correct and in rosewood of course. The system came with a lot of sales brochures too. So I was going to read them and see what they had to say about speakers.I really want to get it back up to spec and polished up. Just my problem is finding the space to put it, right now its my garage system.
Everyone should have a garage system - I know I do!
I believe member Peter, who seems to have listened to every B&O amp/speaker combination EVAR (not that there's anything wrong with that), uses passive Pentas with his BM4400. One possible way to go might be to start with a pair of S45-2s. They seem to be universally acclaimed (on this site), ALWAYS available on Ebay at a price point of about $100 for the pair, and have a woofer not subject to foam rot. Replace a few capacitors and you're good to go. I adore my S45-2s - I have mine on my desk. I'm watching the Capital One Bowl on my PC right now listening to them.
Once you have the S45-2s to your satisfaction, you can then set your sights on something a bit larger for the BM4400. In my area, Craigslist is a good place to find the occasional steal great deal.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70
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