Hi beoworld!
I got problem about wifi connection.
After updated my Beo6 by CTtool 5.12, it connected wifi by auto setup.
During configuration, another "N MUSIC" button came up my Beo 6. (Two "N.MUSIC" buttons on my Beo6.)
One "N.MUSIC" button is same as old fuction like 'MOST','RED',GREEN','BLUE'... and another "N.MUSIC"button is show up the current album art.
However, whenever pressing "N.MUSIC" button for album art beo6 shows serching signal sign(moving circle) for a while and come up the message 'wifi connection failed', even if already connected wifi.
1. Which option should be set up before wifi use? (option for audio master, music server should be change? or something else?)
(MY connection is BS9000 as master, BS5 is slave.)
2. Do I have to leave it two"N.MUSIC" buttons on my Beo6 if I use album art?
Please advice.
Thank you.