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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-15-2011 9:23 AM by Toralfsen. 1 replies.
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  • 12-14-2011 7:29 PM

    Mac to Beo vision 7


    I have tried and failed to connect my macbook - my skybox is connected to the existing DVI cable.  I therefore have bought a mini display port to VGA adaptor.  The instructions state that this is for a projector.  I have set up the Beo 4 to say PC.  I also have bought some audio cables.  It is unclear what steps I have to take next?  The connection menu is a mystery.....  I'm really disappointed it has to be said!  One of the biggest grievances with the B+O systems is that it's always so hard to do anything without it costing a fortune navigating anything that an engineer would normally do!  I was told originally to play iplayer etc that I would have to buy a PS3 - have their fascia on it, install updated software £75 but pay £165 for an engineer minus any extras.... plus of course I have to pay for a PS3?!  Seems a bit of a waste of cash so that I can watch a missed programme on my TV screen really doesn't it? Please help if you can.... Thank you!



  • 12-15-2011 9:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Mac to Beo vision 7

    You probably have an BV 7 without HDMI, there is only one digital input, that is the DVI socket. The VGA socket is an output, if you want to have a projector in the ceiling, you can have the same picture on as on your BV7. You need to buy a new monitor with HDMI, today the BV7 has 4 HDMi. Sad to say, but a television without HDMI is almost useless.. HDMI expander is an option, but not a good one.

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