hi again question please?
have bought a ribbon type fm aerial lead and to be honest i find the radio reception not very good. a lot of the fm radio stations i used to receive on my previous stereo i don't seem to get on this system (whilst using the search facility).my questions are do i need to find out the station frequencies and manually tune them in or is there a fm aerial specific to the b&0 that i need to buy?
this is the one i purchased............http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FM-AERIAL-KIT-RADIO-RECEIVERS-BALUN-UNIVERSAL-/310283558296?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item483e575d98#ht_2062wt_825
just as an observation you don't seem to be able to receive any stations without any aerial plugged in,i assume this is because there is no internal aerial in this unit.