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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-12-2011 3:05 PM by Rich. 3 replies.
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  • 12-10-2011 5:53 PM

    Newbie - weird Beocenter 5000 turntable problem


    I bought a Beocenter 5000 from eBay a while back and immediately fell in love with it. For the last couple of months it has worked fine (I only really use the turntable).

    However, today whilst the power was on (and the PH was visible on the display) the turntable activated itself and the platter started turning. This is according to my wife, who was in the room. I don't have a B&O remote, but I did consider that the tv remote may have accidentally triggered it (which may be impossible).

    Anyhow, this isn't the problem, the problem is now that the turntable won't stop revolving. The arm moves to the 7" position, then drops briefly, lifts and returns to the stop position, where it moves back to the 7" position and repeats the process again.

    It does this with or without a record on the platter, and even continues when the unit is in stand-by mode. The only way to stop it is to turn it off at the mains. However, when switching the power back on it starts again. The 'stop', '33', '45' and 'turn' buttons don't do anything.

    I am not particularly adept at repairing things, but am willing to have a go if this is fairly common and a relatively simple fix. However, I don't really know how to get into the deck to see whats going on! I've taken the platter off, but that's as far as I've got.

    Please accept my apologies if this has been tackled before, I did try to use the search function but couldn't see anything.

    If anyone has any tips, I'd be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance.

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  • 12-10-2011 6:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Newbie - weird Beocenter 5000 turntable problem

    Hello Bagatellier.  Welcome to Beoworld.

    This sounds an interesting one.  I sometimes have problems with my similar 7700 in that it occasionally turns itself on and starts playing a cassette without warning.  It turns out that my LCD TV (a Samsung) seems to upset it...

    However, this business of the turntable revolving constantly and ignoring button presses, even after being unplugged makes me think a component has failed - perhaps a dry joint or a failing capacitor in the motor control circuitry.  It could also be something as simple as a dirty or failed switch I suppose...

    Perhaps one of our more technically gifted members could comment - I'm willing to bow to superior knowledge..Embarrassed



    Я люблю Банг и Oлуфсен

  • 12-12-2011 1:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Newbie - weird Beocenter 5000 turntable problem


    Thanks very much for your response; with a bit of help from Dillen the problem seems to be solved. 

    Positioning and holding the tonearm further back than it's normal resting place seemed to trigger the turntable to stop revolving.

    Dillen mentioned that it could be that the mechanics were 'out of sequence' and I think that was the key.

    Thanks again :)

  • 12-12-2011 3:05 PM In reply to

    • Rich
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-10-2010
    • Orlando, Florida, USA
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    Re: Newbie - weird Beocenter 5000 turntable problem

    I had a similar experience with a BG3404 when I set it up in my garage.  I think what I had to do to "reset" it was this.  With the turntable unplugged from power and no record on the platter, move the tonearm to the approximate location of the end of an LP.  Then plug the mains back in.  If memory serves, the platter spins, the tonearm moves back to "home," and the platter stopped spinning.


    Current primary listening:  SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70


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