Hi all!
I am aware of the fact that HDMI signals cannot be distributed to linkrooms. But I have read here that newer Beovisions are now able to distribute the sound from a HDMI source to linkrooms (not the picture).
I am (very happy) owner of the new BV 7-40 3D since this week. I have connected:
- Technisat receiver (via HDMI and scart),
- Apple TV 2 (only via HDMI).
And I can hear the sound of the Technisat and ATV 2 on my BV 10-40 in linkroom!
But if I switch off my BV 7-40, I can only hear the sound of the Technisat in my linkroom and not of the ATV 2 anymore. If I disconnect the Technisat from scart, I also cannot hear the sound of the Technisat anymore.
So I can say that the sound of HDMI sources can only be distrbuted to linkrooms if the TV in mainroom is switched on. If the TV in mainroom is switched of, the source has also be connected via scart if you want to hear the sound in linkrooms.
Is this a software bug or is this issue to be accepted??