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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-11-2011 2:35 AM by Raeuber. 10 replies.
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  • 12-10-2011 5:52 AM

    HDMI and linkrooms

    Hi all!

    I am aware of the fact that HDMI signals cannot be distributed to linkrooms. But I have read here that newer Beovisions are now able to distribute the sound from a HDMI source to linkrooms (not the picture).

    I am (very happy) owner of the new BV 7-40 3D since this week. I have connected:

    - Technisat receiver (via HDMI and scart),

    - Apple TV 2 (only via HDMI).

    And I can hear the sound of the Technisat and ATV 2 on my BV 10-40 in linkroom!

    But if I switch off my BV 7-40, I can only hear the sound of the Technisat in my linkroom and not of the ATV 2 anymore. If I disconnect the Technisat from scart, I also cannot hear the sound of the Technisat anymore.

    So I can say that the sound of HDMI sources can only be distrbuted to linkrooms if the TV in mainroom is switched on. If the TV in mainroom is switched of, the source has also be connected via scart if you want to hear the sound in linkrooms.

    Is this a software bug or is this issue to be accepted??



  • 12-10-2011 7:26 AM In reply to

    • tompa
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    Re: HDMI and linkrooms


    Hi all!

    I am aware of the fact that HDMI signals cannot be distributed to linkrooms. But I have read here that newer Beovisions are now able to distribute the sound from a HDMI source to linkrooms (not the picture).

    I am (very happy) owner of the new BV 7-40 3D since this week. I have connected:

    - Technisat receiver (via HDMI and scart),

    - Apple TV 2 (only via HDMI).

    And I can hear the sound of the Technisat and ATV 2 on my BV 10-40 in linkroom!

    But if I switch off my BV 7-40, I can only hear the sound of the Technisat in my linkroom and not of the ATV 2 anymore. If I disconnect the Technisat from scart, I also cannot hear the sound of the Technisat anymore.

    So I can say that the sound of HDMI sources can only be distrbuted to linkrooms if the TV in mainroom is switched on. If the TV in mainroom is switched of, the source has also be connected via scart if you want to hear the sound in linkrooms.

    Is this a software bug or is this issue to be accepted??




    Yes it´s not a software bug, only sources connected thru scart or composite are distrubuted to linkrooms

    so if you have HDMI sources that you want in linkrooms you have to connect composite signal also from source

    but some sources cannot do that for example many BD players sony samsung etc then you can use a HDMI to Composite converter with HDMI loop thru to solve the problem

    But now you can also distrubute HDMI to linkroom Thru a ATLONA Matrix 4x4 or 8x8 depend on how many sources and linkroom you have

    and cable to linkroom for that is 2xcat7 to each linkroom


  • 12-10-2011 7:51 AM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    Hi Tompa,

    thank you very much for your answer!

    So if I want to distribute the sound of the ATV 2 to linkrooms without switching on the TV in mainroom, I think I would need a converter like this and use the digital optical output of ATV 2 to convert the audio signal:





  • 12-10-2011 3:04 PM In reply to

    • tompa
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    Re: HDMI and linkrooms


    Hi Tompa,

    thank you very much for your answer!

    So if I want to distribute the sound of the ATV 2 to linkrooms without switching on the TV in mainroom, I think I would need a converter like this and use the digital optical output of ATV 2 to convert the audio signal:






    Yes, but i am not 100% shure, you have to test if tv not mute sound input with no"picture" input

    I only uses converter that converts both picture and sound, but if you have a analog source try to connect it to for example camera input and see if you get sound in linkroom

  • 12-10-2011 3:51 PM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    Yes I'm sure it will work:

    - I have connected my IPod to the analogue socket of the AV5-input of BV 7-40 (my ATV 2 is also connected via HDMI to AV5). I can hear the sound of the IPod in my linkroom. Great!

    - As already mentioned I can hear the digital sound of the Technisat Receiver in linkroom. When I switch off the BV 7-40, the sound in linkroom switches to analogue because the Technisat is connected via HDMI (digital) AND Scart (analogue).

    Although it would be better if the BV 7-40 could also distribute digital sound when switched off.

    A distribution of digital video sources (HDMI) would also be nice, because a HDMI matrix is a very expensive solution.

  • 12-10-2011 4:06 PM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    Would it not be a better (cheaper) idea to buy a second (third) Apple TV?

  • 12-10-2011 4:21 PM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    Hi muntbeoman,

    you are absolutely right, I have already a second ATV2 in my linkroom. I only wanted to discribe the issue with my linkroom.

    In real life I want to hear the sound of my ATV2 at BV 7-40 on my terrace. On my terrace I have passive speakers connected to a beolink passive. And of course I want to hear the sound via Airplay WITHOUT switching on my BV 7-40. I used this solution before with my Avant where was also connected an ATV2 via converter.

  • 12-10-2011 6:02 PM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    Hi Raueber

    To hear the apple source via your passive outdoor speakers why not invest in a BeoLink active so you can plug an Airport express into it and then plug the active into the passive via a fully wired power link to make it purely an amp then this will get around your problem?

  • 12-10-2011 6:51 PM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    This solution would be more difficult than a small digital-to-analogue-converter between the ATV2 and the BV 7-40. I have already a beolink passive connected via Masterlink. At the beolink passive there are normal speaker cables connected which are leading to my outdoor terrace. When I want to hear music on my terrace via Airplay I have only to press LINK VMEM on my Beo 4 and then starting music on my IPod touch.

  • 12-11-2011 12:49 AM In reply to

    • Karla
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    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    I copied this from my post about connecting the Apple TV2 with an Avant. 

    The Apple TV 2nd Generation (black) works with the Avant! The solution: feed the HDMI through the LinkStyle HD Video Convertor LK-219414. It gives wonderful color and the sound is perfectly synched. I purchased it from Amazon for $53.99 plus shipping. Have fun and enjoy!

    What isnt mentioned is that the sound works perfectly with the ML throughout the house. 

  • 12-11-2011 2:35 AM In reply to

    Re: HDMI and linkrooms

    Hi Karla,

    I had connected such a converter to my Avant and it worked perfectly. But I hoped I wouldn't need a converter with my new BV 7-40 3D at all, because the ATV 2 is connected via HDMI. But as mentioned the sound of the ATV is only distributed to link rooms and beolink passive if the BV 7 is switched on. So the ATV 2 must be also connected to an analogue sound input at the BV 7 via a digital-toslink-to-analogue-audio-converter.

    The converter for the Avant could also be used for this purpose, but you would need an additional HDMI-Splitter if you want to see a HD picture of ATV 2 on BV 7.

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