Ok, small update.
MANUAL indicator issue cured. One of 3 LEDs for MANUAL light was bad. They are extremely small, difficult (or nearly impossible) to solder manually and probably not available. But I had a couple of red LEDs in package 0603. After scratching off the transparent paint there was no problem to solder one of them to the pads. It was a little bit too bright so I put a black mark with CD permanent marker on it and now it is perfect :)
LEDs are under the white diffusion plastic box:
Small LEDs and 0603 LED visible:
Now working:
Regarding stereo problem - I checked the frequencies:
- on PIN15 I saw a frequency of 150kHz, but I easily regulated it with 5K to about 228kHz
- on PIN11 the frequency with biggest amplitude is much too small (50Hz?) - but probably I did too fast and was not enough careful looking at something around 19kHz
The signal on PIN11 (period of 20ms as 4divx5ms/div):
I also checked the signal on Pin1 of TCA4500A. This is how the input looks like when tuned to stereo station with good reception:
I don't really know whether the constant frequency at about 20kHz (one div is 0.5ms) is the one we're looking for (pilot signal). This constant freq stayed there for a couple of minutes and was not depending on type of programme (voice/music).
The thing that makes me wonder what is wrong is also voltage at pin9 -
the mono/stereo switch. The datasheed says that threshold is about 16mV, but on the line coming from MM5450 I never get anything lower than 70mV. May it be the fault of MM5450?
Datasheet of TCA4500A
Well, so for now I still suspect MM5450 IC. Today I noticed that volume on one of channels is not controlled well, on the change 28 to 30 it becomes quieter and so changes the input voltage to TDA1074 (IC potentiometer). Then, at about 38 there is a big jump 'up'. I measured all the resistors on both channels but they're OK and of identical value. So the last thing that may be bad is MM5450 - at least a couple of ouputs.
Best regards,