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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 12-17-2011 8:09 AM by IngvarW. 113 replies.

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
symmes:So what is the reason?
To be able to link it when the rest of their stuff gets up-to-date, to be able to make use of the WiFi to give the end-user options for different seating positions and whatnot. Seriously, "the BS5 Encore is the remote" is ridiculous. That means I need one at the couch, one at the dining table, one at the recliners, one in the kitchen itself and so forth.
If B&O wanted you to use it as a remote sans actual remote, there'd be very little reason for it to have WiFi, very little reason for it to have wall mounts and so and so forth. Also, not wanting to have several of them plastered in each room, you'd have to drag the cables with you again and again.
Yeah, I know, some people still think that playing audio is best if you have to physically move to change album and be seated solely in the "sweet spot", but this is 2011, 2012 coming fast, and HiFi as it was in the 70s and early 80s is dead (a small sweet spot, no remote, LP records and singles, having to swap and flip them constantly etc.).

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Raeuber:In my opinion the BS5 is nothing else than a nonportable remote for the BM5.
So can I use the Beo6 WiFi with the BM5 and WITHOUT BS5? If so, can anybody tell me the sense of BS5??
Hence the Encore is a better choice if you still like to have a "stereo". To have some sort of "center" makes it possible to not go hunt for the remote in the morning (yeah. it bugs me) to open the radio. You still need some sort of thingy to connect to the speakers. And if the choice is between the BM5 sans BS5, and the Encore, I'd choose the latter (when it gets updated to make use of the WiFi, that is).

- Joined on 10-27-2007
- America
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Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Electrified is back.
There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Electrified is back.
I'm sorry to be unable to be yet another yes-man toeing the party line in a vacuum.

- Joined on 11-29-2007
- Posts 543

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Electrified is back.
I'm sorry to be unable to be yet another yes-man toeing the party line in a vacuum.
Just be mindful of the difference between courteously and respectfully expressing an opinion and trolling.

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Just be mindful of the difference between courteously and respectfully expressing an opinion and trolling.
I am.
I posted my opinion on usage of some specific hardware and my disagreement with a specific statement about said hardware. If anything, Trip's comment is the one trolling as it pertains to absolutely nothing factual but is a misplaced ad hominem.

- Joined on 04-24-2007
- Illinois
- Posts 1,770

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Electrified is back.
I'm sorry to be unable to be yet another yes-man toeing the party line in a vacuum.
Just be mindful of the difference between courteously and respectfully expressing an opinion and trolling.
Well said.
Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s
Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s
Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000
Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

- Joined on 06-07-2008
- Arkansas, USA
- Posts 384

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
They both have their place to me. I have the bm5/bs5 system and wouldn't trade for an encore for any reason. However, I may add an encore in te future. I see the reason for both
I'm ready for something new that I actually want to buy!

- Joined on 11-29-2007
- Posts 543

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
mjmedlo:They both have their place to me.
I have the bm5/bs5 system and wouldn't trade for an encore for any reason.
However, I may add an encore in te future.
I see the reason for both
mjmedlo:They both have their place to me.
I have the bm5/bs5 system and wouldn't trade for an encore for any reason.
However, I may add an encore in te future.
I see the reason for both
I'm curious: If you added an Encore, would you be more interested in having it be an isolated stand alone source or a link room extention of the audio master? I can see the benefit of both.

- Joined on 06-30-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 94

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
mjmedlo:They both have their place to me.
I have the bm5/bs5 system and wouldn't trade for an encore for any reason.
However, I may add an encore in te future.
I see the reason for both
mjmedlo:They both have their place to me.
I have the bm5/bs5 system and wouldn't trade for an encore for any reason.
However, I may add an encore in te future.
I see the reason for both
I'm curious: If you added an Encore, would you be more interested in having it be an isolated stand alone source or a link room extention of the audio master? I can see the benefit of both.
I have BM5/BS5 and have added a Encore in my bedroom so the Encore is a "Wifi beolink active with large display" there i can listen at the same time one music from bm5 in livingroom and other linkroom, and another music in my bedroom from BM5 thru Encore
If you for example have four linkrooms you can BS5/BM5 and four Encore and possibilities to listen different music in every room!
But i would also have the 2way wifi in encore!, but i think b&o want to boost up the selling of BM5/BS5 and even more boost up selling Beo6
and therefore waiting with these feature on Encore..

- Joined on 06-07-2008
- Arkansas, USA
- Posts 384

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
I would add it as an extension. Use the bm5 as the server and the encore to select. I would put it in a guest room. I have all guest rooms linked now but it would be nice to have a bs5e interface in them.
I'm ready for something new that I actually want to buy!

- Joined on 03-28-2009
- Posts 17

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
I do not get the large cover art that you are showing in your picture to work on mine. The three small ones are fine.
I do not get the Que list to work either. Did you do anything special to yours to work?

- Joined on 08-15-2008
- Posts 440

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
press the + when the three covers are shown and you get the actually playing track
que: press f.e. on an album untill a submenu is popping up; there you can choose que

- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
I've got the same problem as erik mentioned. No covers when I'm on the screen of the actually playing track, only the B&O logo.

And what do you mean by "press f.e. on an album" ??
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70

- Joined on 03-28-2009
- Posts 17

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
In B&Os updated manual for BS5 all of these "how-to´s" are explained. My problem is that mine is not working properly. I get the MOTS logo but not the QUE when i press and hold.... and as Hackels shows in his picture the large cover art just do not show. :-((. I have written to B&O support but so far no answer.

- Joined on 06-07-2008
- Arkansas, USA
- Posts 384

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
@hackel. I get that b&o picture when the cover art is not on the bm5. Is that the issue?
I'm ready for something new that I actually want to buy!

- Joined on 03-28-2009
- Posts 17

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
No, I have all my covers in the BM5. I also get the covers in the menu where there are three small ones. So BEO6 finds them but can not show them in bigger format.

- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Me too, all my covers are in the BM5. Exactly like Erik, I've got the three small ones but not the others.
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70

- Joined on 08-15-2008
- Posts 440

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Me too, all my covers are in the BM5. Exactly like Erik, I've got the three small ones but not the others.
what does this mean: "in the BM5". I have flac & wma lossless files with embedded covers within each music file. All track covers are shown on the Beo6

- Joined on 03-28-2009
- Posts 17

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
I have WMA lossless, all with embedded coverart in each file. So it must be something else.

- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
2 files for the covers. A 200 x 200 pixels "Folder.jpg" with a size of 40ko and another one "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" 75 x 75 pixels and 10ko.
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70

- Joined on 03-28-2009
- Posts 17

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Is that what you have or what is requested by the Beo6 to function?
200 x 200 is, in my opinion, way to small to look nice on BS5's big screen. I hope this is not the solution to my BEO6 problem.
// Erik

- Joined on 08-15-2008
- Posts 440

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
the minimum resolution of my covers: 500*500
actually the BS5 program and/or Twonky make different sizes of covers for different uses available. So it starts with the given picture and makes addidion avialable in different resolution

- Joined on 06-07-2008
- Arkansas, USA
- Posts 384

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Oops. . .
Was meant as a PM
I'm ready for something new that I actually want to buy!

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

Re: Beo6 wifi with Beosound 5
Hi Folks,
Would have been a (huge) surprise that the new Beo- 2-way wireless communication with BS5 tool worked properly from the beginning.
I did test it and confirm some of the observations:
- Queue and Play Queue browsing not working
- Larger cover art not displaying
- Selection of an album by a long press opens an empty submenu
The rest is working, but since the Queue is not working, can only play one track at the time!
Is it a software problem or a configuration problem? Since it is working for some of you, I guess it's a BS5/BM5/BEO6 configuration issue.
For those the tool works properly, could you please give us some details on your configuation (eg, BS5/BM5 as audio master etc.)