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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-25-2011 1:48 AM by Dillen. 26 replies.
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  • 11-24-2011 7:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld - Facebook group

    Locked Contact



    Spy pictures - why not ? Let's see what you have.
    As an enthusiast site, however, we are fans supporting our brand. That doesn't mean that we have to
    like everything with the B&O name on it, but we are not here to cause the company trouble or
    to air their production secrets.
    I take it you understand this ?


    To me, this makes Beoworld not independant from Bang & Olufsen. If they let production secrets slip, bad luck. This is an independant(?) enthusiast site, that should have no regard for Bang & Olufsen in the way we share things or comment on products, customer service, marketing, etc. We might as well all join Beolounge if this is not the case!

    You are both right, how many times have we had critical discutions about B&O products, not to make B&O bad, but to get better products and I have never seen one forum like this where the members keep their postings so clear sorted in threads, the forum members also gets educated along the way, ranters is told to stop or leave, bad or illegal post are deleted, and boring member posts gets ignored, all part of the education for a nearly perfect forum, the moderators do a good job, no police acts but a clear line where funny remarks and once in while a chat outside the thread is allowed, our discutions are interesting and offen you see members changing their opinions during a discution (even Lee once in a while) because another member came with stone hard evidence or arguments. The forum is not only for B&O problems or products, but also how to's for integrating B&O with other products (even BoseBig Smile).If we want to go outside Beoworld to discuss or talk about things not related to B&O we use the mail accounts.

    An FB site will not ever reach the quality of Beoworld, and not ever have same amount of members or the easy reach of information, so, no need.

    But maybe it could be interesting for ranters or people that dont like B&O as they normaly only last a short time on this forum.

    Beoworld is a nearly perfect forum but I think a spell checker would do good.Whistle


    Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

  • 11-25-2011 1:48 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 02-14-2007
    • Copenhagen / Denmark
    • Posts 5,008
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    Re: Beoworld - Facebook group

    Locked Contact

    We are all depending on B&O making products.

    The OP got the comments, he was looking for. He changed his mind and people had a chance to reflect.
    This thread will now be closed.


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